Tyson Fury: With abstinence to the professional athlete?

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Tyson Fury: With abstinence to the professional athlete?
Tyson Fury: With abstinence to the professional athlete?

Arcwave expert comments on Tyson Fury’s preparation

Tyson Fury attracted attention again in preparation for his match. If the boxing world champion masturbated up to seven times a day at the beginning of the year, this time he wanted to go into the fight with a “loaded gun” and lived chastely for seven weeks for this.

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Once again, the discussion arose about the effect that masturbation and abstinence can have on athletic success. Is there a connection between masturbation and performance? And how often masturbating is actually normal?

On average up to three times a week

Tyson Fury: With abstinence to the professional athlete?

A worldwide survey by Pleasure Brand Arcwave showed that men masturbate an average of 2.8 times per week.1 Over the year, male respondents masturbate an average of 145 times. Here, the Swiss are ahead with 162 times per year.

What does the expert say?

Arcwave expert and urologist Volker Wittkamp tries to classify Fury’s statement:

“The loaded gun” is nonsense from a urological point of view. Although testosterone levels rise slightly during abstinence for one week, they do not continue to rise thereafter. In addition, masturbation reduces stress and relaxes. And stress for 50 days is not good for anyone, especially professional athletes.”

Reading tip for you from EroniteRead also:
Porn critique: 90 days without masturbating
Masturbation in society: the pop culture of onanism
Arcwave Voy – The masturbator for men in test
Test Report: Arcwave Ion, Masturbator with Pleasure Air Technology
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Volker Wittkamp goes on to explain that it may actually be that the body “satisfies itself” after such a long period of abstinence. And this is in the form of nocturnal ejaculation (wet dream). The body breaks down the produced sperm again, or gets rid of some of them through nocturnal ejaculations.

“By the way, I think masturbating seven times a day is even worse. In the process, the testosterone level really drops a little bit in the short term, but even worse, he can even hurt his hands in the process. And they should really work well for a boxer,” adds Wittkamp.

1 The representative survey was conducted in collaboration with Lucid in May 2022. 22,315 participants from 15 countries took part (Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, UK, USA).

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