The first time at the sex meeting with twins in Goslar

By Faizel Ahman
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
How I was the first time at the sex meeting in Goslar in the Harz Mountains
The first time at the sex meeting with twins in Goslar

My first time at the sex meeting in Goslar – and I saw double

As a “Landei” from Dörnten on the northern edge of the Harz Mountains, I was as amazed as thrilled that a sex date arose for me in the historic half-timbered and mining town of Goslar in the Harz Mountains. That the hot blonde Biggy at the meeting place Klusfelsen quasi doubled and what then happened at the first time sex meeting, I tell you with pleasure. My name is Leo and I am 23 years old.

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Biggy supposedly came from Blankenburg, known for its Cistercian abbey, Kloster Michaelstein. She had already got me so excited online that I really wanted to meet her. A few revealing photos of the pretty blonde supported this desire: beautiful plump boobs, a narrow waist, a tight butt and long legs – what more could a man want?

How I was the first time at the sex meeting in Goslar in the Harz Mountains

At least if he comes from Dörnten on the northern edge of the Harz Mountains and feels that the 15-minute drive to the half-timbered and mining town of Goslar in the Harz is already a short journey. Now in addition a real adventure: My first time at the sex meeting near my hometown – and with a dream girl like Biggy from Blankenburg. I took the bike on this summery day.

Leo experiences a surprise in two senses

Meeting point Klusfelsen we had agreed as said. The approximately 20 meter high rock formation is located below the Petersberg in Goslar and may not be climbed. I was standing in front of it all excited and looking out for Biggy. From inside the rock, the Kluskapelle, I heard a bright voice calling my name. Biggy, I thought totally electrified and replied, “I’m here. Leo!” Then I heard my name called again, but this time not from the rock. What was going on here?

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“Biggy?” I could hear my voice shaking. My first time at the sex meeting in my home and then this game of hide and seek. What should I make of it? “It’s Betty!” What was that supposed to mean? I leaned against the big tree in front of the rock and tried to calm down. Should I go to the chapel? My strict Protestant upbringing held me back from starting my sex date in a sacred setting. But what did that mean now: Biggy here, Betty there? My confusion did not subside. For this I felt how I was getting hornier and hornier.

The mystery of Biggy/Betty is solved

I did not have to feel long on the torture: All of a sudden they were standing in front of me, the cute twins Biggy and Betty from Blankenburg. Biggy – that was the one with the mole on her chin – beamed at me and asked, “Hi, Leo, mind if I bring my twin sister? We’re there with the camper!”

How I was the first time at the sex meeting in Goslar in the Harz Mountains

I was speechless: There were two real cute babes standing in front of me, who looked damn similar. “Are you identical?”, I asked rather stupidly. The two giggled, and it sounded funny because they had the same voice pitch. “Well, you better not,” replied Betty, who was about two inches taller. But maybe it was because of her high heels sandals. She had on skimpy shorts and a top in orange that showed deep. My first time at the sex meeting in the half-timbered and mining town of Goslar in the Harz Mountains was promising.

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Now just don’t screw up, I ordered myself and examined Biggy more closely. She wore a summery dress with a kind of laced bodice with long ribbons. Any normal guy would immediately think of freeing her round tits from this prison. Did it just seem to me then at the Klusfelsen, as if the two girls exude a breathtakingly seductive scent? They smelled fresh and exotic at the same time.

My first time at sex meeting turns me on fully

Actually, I’m not exactly known as a ripper in my hometown of Dörnten on the northern edge of the Harz Mountains. But I had sex there more often, mainly with hot milfs from the neighborhood who felt underfucked. The pretty girls my age were all taken, so I had looked around on a few digital platforms. And was quickly on Biggygestoßen, which presented itself under the heading “Horny and alone – message from the monastery Michaelstein! That this was not a needy novice was obvious.

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So now Biggy and Betty, the two incredibly attractive twins. What a lucky guy I was – assuming that something would actually happen with the two of them. In fact, the two sweepers had no desire for sightseeing in the half-timbered and mining town of Goslar in the Harz Mountains. They hooked me right and left and directed me to their little camper. My first time at the sex meeting with two sluts could not start better, right?

Leo, Biggy and Betty let it rip

I had to hand it to the two sisters: they knew what they wanted. It was certainly not the very first time they put on their super rad show. The inside of their camper was one big lawn. Biggy pushed me onto a big pillow, gave me a wet kiss on the mouth and said, “Now look first, Leo, what’s going on. We call it sisterly love!” My first time at the sex meeting took an unexpected course. Honestly, I would have liked a double blowjob for my best friend first. He really wanted to get out of his tight jeans.

How I was the first time at the sex meeting in Goslar in the Harz Mountains

Biggy and Betty sat on their knees facing each other, arms outstretched in emphatic longing. They clasped each other and went to each other’s tits. “Sweetie, there’s a fat strap sitting there, can you see him? Is he turning you on?” Biggy’s slightly raspy voice totally turned my head. Her hot twin sister seemed to feel the same way because she guided Biggy’s hand between her thighs without hesitation. My first time at the sex meeting together with two young women I liked more and more.

Anyway, Biggy and Betty were suddenly naked and were in a clinch. “Leo, now we need reinforcements,” Betty breathed, beckoning me invitingly. I crawled to it and could not take my eyes off the four dream tits and the two shaved pussies. The two girls from Blankenburg really had it going on: In the twinkling of an eye they took off my jeans and panties and praised in the highest tones the length and diameter of my rock-hard boner. Then I felt two pairs of lips and tongues at the same time on my cock and balls and thought I would faint with pleasure.

Double highlight for Leo in camper

How I was the first time at the sex meeting in Goslar in the Harz Mountains“Just squirt, Leo,” Biggy whispered in my ear before sitting on my face and letting her sister do the blowing. Betty thanked shortly after for a fat facial. She massaged the cream dripping from her chin into her stiff nipples, purring pleasantly as she did so. Meanwhile, I lapped up Biggy’s juice and let my tongue perform a barrage on her pearl. When she came, my face got pretty wet too.

Man, it popped into my head what can happen to you in the venerable half-timbered and mining town of Goslar in the Harz mountains! I felt Betty clutching my willy tightly to make it straighten up again. That worked out quite quickly and my first time at the sex meeting in a camper became a bit more horny. For Betty performed a ride on me, as I had always secretly dreamed of. One blonde sister on the face, the other on the tail – sure, I quickly had the second orgasm. Betty took a little longer to climax and I helped with my fingers.

Was I still missing something to my happiness to make my first time at the sex meeting in the half-timbered and mining town of Goslar in the Harz Mountains perfect? Can you guess what else I was in the mood for? True, I wanted a double anal fuck as the icing on the cake, so to speak.

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Read also: Sex while camping and camping – that you should definitely consider!

To please these two kinky blondes in this way, I imagined irresistible and intoxicating. And you can take it from me: Biggy and Betty, the incredible twin sisters, let me do a double take – simply awesome!

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Conclusion: My first time at the sex meeting in Goslar could not have turned out more satisfying. As I cycled back towards Dörnten, the sensual scent of the two sisters continued to waft around me for a while.

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