Sexual feelings are not returned – what now?

By Daniel Kemper
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Sexual feelings are not returned - what now?
Sexual feelings are not returned - what now?


When sexual feelings are not reciprocated

Everyone has probably experienced how strongly sexual desire can shake us up. What could be more beautiful than when our desire is answered and shared pleasure is enjoyed? But it also happens again and again that erotic desires remain unfulfilled. What are the reasons behind men or women not responding to sexual feelings?

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In men, the fear of too much closeness often prevents the willingness to be physically close. This is because female and male expectations of a relationship or partnership differ greatly. Women often have a completely wrong image of the sexuality of a potential partner. They basically consider men to be cock-controlled and believe they are hot for sex at all times. But what if the desired partner does not want to allow any physical closeness at all?

Highly hurtful: rejecting sexual interest

A woman often perceives it as humiliation when a man resists her seduction skills and does not want to sleep with her. It may well be that his psyche is playing tricks on him and there are deeper causes for his erotic disinterest or unwillingness. Some guys quickly feel pressured to perform feats in bed. Often the pressure to perform is increased by the consumption of porn: These make men believe that they are always ready and can bring their partner to climax anytime and anywhere. But instead of responding to sexual feelings, emotional coldness spreads.

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Commitment anxiety can also be a reason, even for casual meetings or a possible one night stand. There may have been traumatic experiences in childhood or adolescence that led to an inability to reciprocate sexual feelings. Incidentally, many of those affected are not even aware of what they are doing by rejecting physical contact. Especially women, whose self-confidence is weakly developed, consider themselves worthless if they receive a rejection. If the man basically cares about the woman, he must absolutely know how seriously he offends her with his sexual refusal.

Sexual feelings are not returned - what now?

Women can signal sexual feelings with innuendos, small gestures and delicate touches. If the desired success is not achieved, the problem should be addressed. Not demanding or reproachful, but the longing and desire should be expressed. No woman has to be ashamed of strong sexual feelings. She has the same right to it as a man.

This is why some women reject sex outright

Lack of willingness to flirt or dead pants in a steady partnership? Often the unwillingness to allow sexual feelings is already expressed by the rejection of touch. Various women lose the need for sex all of a sudden before they fully understand it themselves. It may be due to stress in their daily lives or the realization of only living alongside their partner.

Das ERONITE Dating

Probably the most common reason why a woman spontaneously withdraws is the lack of appreciation by the man. Humiliation and ridicule put an immense strain on even strong female beings. While some swallow every ignominy, others take revenge without mercy. Sexual feelings are killed by such behaviors. When women withdraw emotionally, they no longer want to fuck. It’s that simple – usually. Lack of affection leads to the fact that the inner readiness for sex goes down the drain.

Erotic date and sexual feelings

Those who arrange to have sex without commitment are usually not thinking about a permanent partnership. But even in this situation it can happen that originally existing desire turns into consistent rejection. Perhaps the woman feels less attracted to her date than suspected. Or she may feel that she is being asked to take on a role that she cannot and will not fill.

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No one needs to engage in a long discussion to find out the reasons for the woman’s behavior. It should simply be respected that she does not want to go through with the fuck meeting as planned. So it is for the man: endure rejection and on a new one!

What also leads to the withdrawal of women

Maybe she is having an affair and thus has another “object of desire” at the start. Or she is tired of always having to be ready for sex. It also happens that the male partner feels a stronger desire for sex and wants intimacy more often. In a relationship, this can lead to controversy. Differing degrees of desire also not infrequently result in separation. In this respect, fading sexual feelings should always remain in focus, even in longer relationships.

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