15 ideas for erotic truth or dare with sex

By Laura Buschmann
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
15 ideas for erotic truth or dare with sex
15 ideas for erotic truth or dare with sex


Erotic truth or dare game for adults

For people over 18 is suitable popular party game Truth or Dare with Sex. Because here the questions (truth) and the tasks (duty) are far more personal and intimate than usual. In the frivolous version erotic truth-or-dare game, the questions and tasks should be quiet a little ticklish and titillating. Some also call this variant “truth or duty perverse”.

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It is recommended to play this game only with people who trust each other and feel comfortable with each other. There are hardly any limits to ingenuity and thus also to indiscretion in this entertaining pleasure.

In a way, the questions serve as a warm-up for an erotic truth-or-dare game. The climax of Truth or Dare with Sex is ultimately the compulsory tasks. Because then it’s not just words and hints that count, but action. The choice of questions and tasks is huge.

Find teammates

Everyone decides with whom he or she will take the plunge and look at the whole thing playfully. After all, an erotic truth-or-dare game is supposed to be fun in the first place. This is an amusing game that will make the party guests laugh. No one should feel uncomfortable. However, Truth or Dare with Sex takes on a new, somewhat more radical dimension. Everyone must know beforehand: Now it’s “down to the wire”!

Spin the bottle with sex: what’s the twist?

Various games suitable for a party have long been classics, for example, “Either or” as well as “I have never”. For years, “Truth or Dare” has been very popular. It was only a matter of time when Truth or Dare with Sex became a hit.

10 ideas for erotic truth or dare with sex

Basically, no utensils are necessary for an erotic truth-or-dare game – except maybe an empty glass bottle. Because the game could be described as a modern spin the bottle. Otherwise, all it takes is a few friends in a boisterous mood and a good dose of imagination. There will be no shortage of empty bottles at a party. Some people certainly don’t want to just watch when an erotic truth-or-dare game is started, but would like to participate. Basically, the guests have no choice: everyone is invited to play along. There is no limit to the number of players. Truth or dare with sex is the most fun with many people involved.

It is quite revealing to get to the bottom of intimate truths with close friends. Or to experience how the new partner masters one of the delicate tasks. Certainly, there is also a certain risk, but most people will jump over their shadow and join in. What there is to learn about people in your immediate circle easily outweighs shyness or inhibitions.

Find teammates

If the game is consistently played as a “truth or dare perversion,” teammates must be prepared for a special thrill. Because here the questions are cheeky, indiscreet to impertinent or just “perverse”. Individuals are confronted with issues that can upset them. No one would normally ask her such things, especially in front of an audience. So couples and friends get on each other’s track and discover their secret longings and kinky fantasies. There are always moments when individual participants or the entire group enjoy learning the truth.

Truth or dare with sex for all: the rules of the game

If this game takes place among best friends, it can mean pure pleasure. Possibly, however, the girls or ladies lack that certain zing that the presence of male players brings. Hard to imagine, on the other hand, guys instigating an erotic truth-or-dare game among themselves, but who knows? Most of the time, men are more interested in female sexual secrets than in those of their gender mates.

10 ideas for erotic truth or dare with sex

Usually, “Truth or Dare” is a game where families or friends sometimes have fun at the expense of others. Playing truth or dare with kinship sex is probably not such a good idea. With close friends, the buddies or the clique, on the other hand, it can be the bringer in small or larger groups. Even in pairs, an erotic truth-or-dare game is fun – for example, when the two people want to get to know each other even better. But in a larger group, the game usually develops into an increasingly interesting pastime.

Find teammates

On the other hand, some people feel more comfortable and secure in a small group. They find the atmosphere more relaxed and dare to ask or answer intimate questions without bias. “Truth or dare kinky” among singles or with two or three couples is a splashy pleasure. Trust is very important here, because confidential confessions come to light. It is best if the participants sit in a circle and agree on who gets to ask first. If the bottle is turned, the person to whom the neck of the bottle points starts.

Suggestions for candid questions

1) “Have you ever had sex with a person of your gender?” Some may find this question provocative, but it is more than obvious with “Truth or Dare Perverse.” Those who play truth or dare with sex without false shame can expect revealing answers. Maybe something will come out of it that some of the people in the group would never have suspected.

2) “What was the most embarrassing moment you experienced during sex?” The question is a tough one, and everyone will be pricking up their ears attentively.

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3) “If you want to have sex in threes with your partner, who should be number three?” Present not excluded: The truthful answer may cause a mixture of amazement and hilarity.

4) “What do you find most arousing about your partner’s body?” Evasive answers are likely to be programmed, but they can be totally permissive.

5) “Have you ever had sex in public?” Whoops, this is where Truth or Dare picks up speed with sex. Maybe someone can report something. Keywords: in the car, in the swimming pool, in the forest…

Tips for exciting tasks

The spectrum of duties is similarly broad as that of intimate issues. An erotic truth-or-dare game becomes noticeably more exciting as soon as the participants are asked to be active. Maybe one or the other person has to get over themselves first. Then she has the applause on her side.

Find teammates

With the following compulsory tasks, extra pep comes into an entertaining and erotic truth-or-dare game:

1) “Massage a teammate of your choice!” Hui, where does the massage probably start – and where does it end?

2) “Choose someone for a two-minute erotic dance!” Everyone is watching with anticipation to see how sexy this dance turns out.

3) “Order a sex toy online!” Which nifty toy do you think the person will choose for truth or dare with sex?

4) “Do a striptease!” There will hardly be an erotic truth-or-dare game without this task. Especially male strippers provide gales of laughter.

5) “Try to open a bra only with your mouth!” This is a tricky task, especially since it is unlikely to be mastered entirely without skin contact. If it works, the person lands a real scoop.

6) Blow your left teammate until the end (Whether someone will also swallow?) or lick them to orgasm!

7) You decide how a person of your choice should satisfy you by hand. Here certainly no limb remains limp and no pussy dry.

8) Have the person to your right choose a position where he or she has to do you on the spot in front of everyone else!

9) Suck the dick of the player whose turn it was before yours for two minutes. If she is a woman, lick her clit for two minutes.

10) Get your balls kneaded naked for two minutes without getting a boner! For women: Get your breasts kneaded for two minutes without getting stiff nipples!

Find teammates

In summary, there are countless possibilities for questions and mandatory tasks. Nevertheless, there will always be participants who are initially intimidated by an erotic truth-or-dare game. However, it often turns out that initially shy people ask the hottest questions once they have thawed out. There is also no shortage of ideas for spicy compulsory tasks.

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