Spanish anti-porn activists demand laws like in dictatorships

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Spanish anti-porn activists demand laws like in dictatorships
Spanish anti-porn activists demand laws like in dictatorships

Spanish anti-porn activists demand stricter controls

A look at the global landscape of Internet censorship

In recent years, “Spanish anti-porn activists” in Andalusia have drawn increased attention by calling for the implementation of stricter anti-porn laws, inspired by initiatives in countries such as France, Germany, Utah and even China. This worldwide movement to restrict pornography aims to regulate minors’ access to erotic material.

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It is interesting to note how different regions around the world are pushing their own interpretation of this agenda. In Germany, it is an obscure politician who is responsible for most anti-porn initiatives at the North Rhine-Westphalia State Media Authority. In the U.S., religious activists in Utah have sparked a wave of similar legislation in other states. Now it is Spanish activists who are pushing to introduce their own version of these laws.

The demand for age verification and Internet censorship

In an attempt to advance this movement, the regulatory council Consejo Audiovisual de Andalucía (CAA) organized a conference to discuss the alleged threat of Internet pornography to minors. One of the participants, Enrique Benítez, a tech journalist from the influential media conglomerate Prensa Ibérica, argued for laws that follow France and the United Kingdom, even considering blocking adult websites if they don’t do age verification.

Spanish anti-porn activists demand laws like in dictatorships

These claims are consistent with current attempts in Utah to ban access to adult websites. But the vague wording of age verification laws is under intense pressure from free speech activists who raise concerns about violations of constitutional principles.

But the effort goes beyond just age verification. Benítez also highlighted Google’s collaboration with China to censor certain search terms and pondered whether tech giants could be forced to do the same in Spain.

Anti anti porn stars

The expansion of responsibility and the challenge of freedom of the Internet

Benítez argues that it is “unfair” to expect families to monitor minors’ access to online content. Instead, online platforms should take responsibility, a stance that could have significant implications, particularly in Europe without the comparable protections for user-generated content that Section 230 provides in the United States. This would lead to a broader debate about Internet freedom and the role of technology companies in our society.

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Anti-porn activists in Andalusia have also recently raised the alarm about alleged “detailed instructions” on open platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram and Reddit explaining how to access OnlyFans content. These platforms are known for their liberal attitude towards user-generated content, and the demand that they implement stronger controls challenges their principles of openness and freedom.

The Future of Anti-Porn Laws and Internet Censorship

It remains to be seen how the debate will develop in Spain. While “Spanish anti-porn activists” continue to argue for stricter laws, the gap between protecting minors and preserving Internet freedom remains a complex and contentious issue. The example of Spain shows that the global discussion about pornography and censorship on the Internet is a multi-layered and complicated matter that must take into account not only legal, but also social and cultural aspects.

It is likely that we will continue to see different approaches in different countries and regions as each tries to strike a balance between protecting its young citizens and upholding the fundamental rights of free access to information and expression. Whether Spanish anti-porn activists will be successful in their demands remains to be seen, but their efforts raise important questions about the future of digital freedom that must continue to be carefully considered and debated.

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