Sex in long-distance relationships: Does eroticism suffer from distance?

By Faizel Ahman
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Sex in long-distance relationships: Does eroticism suffer from distance?
Sex in long-distance relationships: Does eroticism suffer from distance?

Sex in long-distance relationships – Does it work?

Long-distance relationships are no longer a rarity these days. More and more people live in different cities, countries or even continents and still have a relationship. In such relationships, the question often arises of how to maintain an erotic togetherness when you can rarely or never meet in person. Can eroticism suffer from distance? In this article, I will shed light on this issue and other aspects of long-distance relationships.

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Advantages and disadvantages of eroticism at a distance

Long-distance relationships have both advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages is that you can give each other more freedom. Both partners have time and space to pursue their own interests and hobbies and focus on their careers. In addition, a long-distance relationship often allows you to get to know each other more intensively, as you have more time to talk about your feelings and thoughts.

Sex in long-distance relationships: Does eroticism suffer from distance?

Disadvantages include physical distance, which can lead to loneliness and frustration. It can be difficult to be without the other, and there can be problems in the relationship if one of the partners feels they are being neglected. Planning joint activities and meetings can also be difficult and requires good organization and communication.

Does the eroticism suffer from the distance?

One of the biggest challenges in long-distance relationships is maintaining erotic togetherness. It can be difficult to be physical without the other person and this can cause the eroticism in the relationship to suffer. However, there are many ways to maintain eroticism in a long distance relationship.

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Ways to maintain eroticism in a long distance relationship

Phone and video calls

One way to keep the eroticism going in a long-distance relationship is through phone and video calls. Seeing each other can make you feel closer and also stimulate you sexually. It is important to create a pleasant environment where you feel comfortable and can talk freely about your sexual desires and fantasies.

Sex in long-distance relationships: Does eroticism suffer from distance?

Letters and SMS

Another option is to write letters and SMS. These can be romantic and sexy and make the other person feel like you are thinking about them. You can also send erotic photos or videos to bridge the distance. However, it is important to ensure that privacy is maintained and that the images do not fall into the wrong hands.

Love toy with app

Another way to maintain eroticism in a long-distance relationship are love toys with app. These toys can be controlled with a smartphone and allow the other partner to control the toy remotely. It is a good way to bridge the distance and have a shared sexual experience.

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Dirty Talk

Another option is to use dirty talk. This means verbally expressing sexual fantasies and desires and having erotic conversations. Dirty talk can be very arousing and a great way to keep the eroticism going in a long distance relationship. However, it is important to make sure that both partners agree and are comfortable with it.

Livecam broadcast

Another option is a livecam broadcast. This allows both partners to see each other and be intimate as if they were physically together. It is important to make sure that both partners feel comfortable and safe and want to engage in such an experience.

Sex in long-distance relationships: Does eroticism suffer from distance?

Other aspects of long distance relationships

Besides the issue of eroticism, there are other aspects of long-distance relationships that should be considered. Good communication is essential to making a long distance relationship successful. It is important to talk regularly and take time to talk about the relationship and your feelings.

Another challenge of long-distance relationships is finding a balance between one’s life and the relationship. It is important that both partners have their own interests and hobbies and can focus on their careers, but also set aside time for the relationship.

Long-distance relationships can also have positive effects. For example, they can lead to both partners becoming more independent and self-confident. Distance can also help both partners better understand their own needs and desires and use their time more wisely.

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However, the distance can also be a burden and lead to insecurities and jealousy. It is important to talk about it and understand that the distance does not mean that the love and the relationship are less valuable.

Another challenge of long-distance relationships is focusing on shared activities and meetings. It is important to plan and organize these well to ensure that both partners have time to spend and look forward to the relationship.

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Overall, eroticism can suffer in a long-distance relationship, but there are many ways to keep it going. Good communication, a balance between one’s life and the relationship, and regular joint activities and meetings are keys to a successful long-distance relationship. It’s important to focus on what you have rather than what you don’t.


Long-distance relationships can be challenging, but there are many ways to keep the eroticism alive in the relationship. Phone and video calls, letters and text messages, love toys with app, dirty talk and livecam broadcasts are just a few ways to bridge the distance and not lose the eroticism in the relationship. However, it is also important to maintain good communication and find a balance between your own life and the relationship.

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