Pornostar erfindet sich neu: Aus Lucy Cat wird Just Lucy

By Benno von Sandhayn
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Pornostar erfindet sich neu: Aus Lucy Cat wird Just Lucy
Pornostar erfindet sich neu: Aus Lucy Cat wird Just Lucy

Porn star Lucy available for fans again

Lucy Cat is history, Just Lucy the present: Germany’s most wanted porn star on Google with a huge fan community, especially on Instagram, has once completely reinvented itself. From now on the 26-year-old is no longer active under her old name. The existing social media channels with the name are also no longer served.

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Pornostar erfindet sich neu: Aus Lucy Cat wird Just LucyJust Lucy Porno is produced

“I simply wanted to reinvent myself and start from scratch,” explains the Würzburg native. Although the old brand was well planned and well thought out, more and more often it did not feel completely comfortable with it in the end. So little by little the idea for a new beginning grew.

Old ropes were cut and everything was set up from scratch. It has also separated from previous portals. Now the pioneering work begins and Just Lucy can create 100 percent herself and position herself the way she wants. All social media channels are newly created and already filling up strongly. “I get a lot of support, also from the industry and from my many dear colleagues,” reports Just Lucy. If you would like to have private and intimate insights from her, you will find her from now on at Fancentro.

Fancentro is a social media platform that allows you to earn money with your own content without having to pay attention to restrictions. Every content creator determines what who wants to publish when and how and what this should cost for the fans. Self-determined social media with the opportunity to earn money in its purest form.

++ Lucy’s Porn Site ++

There she is also an international brand ambassador and part of Centrouniversity, where online conferences and further training courses on topics such as brand building and self-presentation take place regularly. Just Lucy has already built up a brand and a fan community very successfully: “I am sure that I will soon be able to achieve comparable numbers of followers again, because the fans want to see me and not a lifeless brand”. But one thing is certain, porn will continue to exist.

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