Once splash my girlfriend in the face…. How do I tell her?

By Daniel Kemper
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Once splash my girlfriend in the face.... How do I tell her?
Once splash my girlfriend in the face.... How do I tell her?

Wanking my girlfriend is my biggest wish

Sexually, things are going well for me. I have a lot of fun in bed. My girlfriend is absolutely open to new things. But there is one wish that she has not yet granted me. I want to squirt my girlfriend in the face. I will convince them to enjoy my juice as much as I do.

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The day is here to splash my girlfriend in the face

I think about ejaculating in my girlfriend’s face all the time. How my juice splashes on her face and slowly spreads over it. How she licks my juice with her tongue and swallows. The thought of playing with my cum on her face turns me on. I will spoil her first, and then hold my cock in her face before I come. She will be so hot that she herself will ask to play with my sperm.

I tune my girlfriend to the sperm games

My girlfriend loves a warm bath. While she lies in the tub, I massage her shoulders and neck. I let my hands slide to her breasts and caress them. Her nipples are getting harder and I can tell she wants more. My hands wander over her belly to her thighs. I massage her inner thighs a little more until I get to her middle.

Splash my girlfriend in the face once... How do I tell her?
Many women just don’t like it – to the chagrin of their partners

I circle my finger over her clit and push the finger into her. She moans ecstatically and wants me to do her. But she must wait a bit, then I want to inject my girlfriend in the face. I get into the tub with her and lift her pelvis slightly. I lick her pussy until she almost can not hold it back.

My chance has come

I take this opportunity to fulfill my greatest wish. My girlfriend is so hot that she is ready for sex games. She takes my cock and balls in her hands and massages them. She does this so well that I have to be careful not to cum already. Because today I want to ejaculate in the face of my girlfriend. I am now putting this plan into action. I pull my cock out of her hands and hold my hard club in front of her face.

Das ERONITE Dating

She understands very quickly what I want from her. She opens her mouth and starts sucking on my glans. She moves her tongue and mouth all over my cock. This sucking is driving me crazy. I’m getting hotter and hotter and I’m about to come. But I want to splash my girlfriend in the face, and I will do it now. I wait until I’m just before the explosion. I pull my cock out of her mouth and will now ejaculate in my girlfriend’s face. A stream pours over her beautiful face.

My girlfriend wants my cum cream

My girlfriend reacts absolutely horny. She rubs my juice with her hands over her neck to her breasts. She licks each finger individually with relish. With her tongue she licks her lips and swallows my cum. She reveals to me that she loves cum games and wants more of them.

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She tells me about her friend who is absolutely hot for these games, but unfortunately doesn’t have a boyfriend at the moment. She suggests to invite her friend so that I can also ejaculate in the face of this friend. I can hardly believe it and enthusiastically agree.

I may squirt more than one friend in the face

Both ladies are at my house and want my juice. I am so aroused that I could cum just thinking about it. The invited girlfriend looks at me so hot that I am ready immediately. Both girls undress and show me their fantastic breasts. They pull down my pants and my girlfriend starts sucking on my glans. Her friend massages my balls with her hands. This teamwork is so cool that I do not even know which girlfriend I should squirt in the face. I want to cum all over them both at the same time. I pull the girlfriend’s head toward me. She immediately understands what I want. My girlfriend as well and she leaves my cock to her friend. She licks and sucks. I’ll be right there.

I want to let my girlfriend do it again before I squirt a friend in the face. These two are driving me crazy. They alternately suck and lick my cock. Now is the time. I pull my cock out of my mouth and cum hard. I move my cock in the process so that I can squirt in the face of each girlfriend. The charge is easily enough for this. The girlfriends rub my sperm on each other’s bodies. They lick each other my sperm. I have arrived in paradise. My most beautiful wishes were exceeded today.

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