My confession: I wear a remote controlled vibrator in the restaurant

By Carlos Galvez Otoño
Estimated reading time: 9 minutes
My confession: I wear a remote controlled vibrator in the restaurant
My confession: I wear a remote controlled vibrator in the restaurant

The remote vibrator in the local

I always love a dinner with a hot guy. I have often experienced that my boyfriend almost undressed me with his eyes. Of course, it also makes me hot when I see how I look to him. But last Friday’s experience with the remote-controlled vibrator was something special after all.

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My confession: I wear a remote controlled vibrator in the restaurantEvi: I arrive punctually at 7 p.m. at the elegant Italian restaurant that Heinz has reserved for our dinner. I’ve been dating this good-looking man in his mid-forties for a few weeks now, even though my girlfriends say he’s way too old for me. It may be that he only sees me as a hot young lover, but I’ll be honest: I couldn’t afford a restaurant like this otherwise. A handsome waiter, who politely introduces himself as Luigi, helps me out of my coat. He leads me to a table. This stands in a small niche, which is designed like a grotto. Candles burn on the table. Luigi hands me a small package and tells me that Heinz will be a little late, but that I should urgently open the package already.

I order a cocktail. Excitedly I open the package. On top is a card: “Dear Evi, I have thought up something very special for tonight. Under this card you will find my little present. I want you to take it to its destination. Your Heinz. PS: Your panties, if you wear any, can be disposed of in this little box.”

Luigi brings me the aperitif. I quickly cover the present, but the waiter discreetly withdraws. Under the card I find a red egg-shaped something. I blush when I recognize it: the Blutooth symbol clearly identifies it as a remote-controlled vibrator. Heinz has ideas. But I don’t want to disappoint him and make my way to the ladies’ room.

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Luigi: Wow, Heinz has been a regular with us for several years now. And he’s brought some great women here, too. But his table lady today is really the hammer. I help the lady, who is at most half the age of our regular guest, out of her coat. Her flowing red mane caught my eye as soon as I walked in. She wears a black minidress that just reaches the middle of her shapely thighs. Tight breasts she seems to have, and certainly a great butt.

As discussed, I hand her the box. The alcove where Heinz likes to sit has a mirror, so I can discreetly see when to refill wine or serve the next course. The dream girl unwraps her gift and after I have served her her cocktail, I risk a quick glance back. Is she blushing because of the present? In any case, she now hurries to the ladies’ room.


My confession: I wear a remote controlled vibrator in the restaurantEvi: I am truly no child of sadness and consider myself to be open-minded. But this situation is new for me. There I am, sitting in the bathroom of an upscale Italian restaurant, looking at a remote-controlled vibrator. It lies well in the hand. Should I really? The very thought is exciting – and Heinz is so sweet and generous. I gently stroke my freshly shaved vagina. Does she really get all wet just from the thought? I guide the remote-controlled vibrator to my labia.

They open willingly to receive the gift. I put my panties – black lace – in the gift box. Admittedly, I had planned to return the favor for dinner in a special way. Now Heinz will probably not be able to admire the sinful black on me tonight.

Luigi: The red-haired beauty comes back to her table. In the meantime, Heinz has also arrived. His aperitif, dry sherry, I could serve him without ordering. Now he smiles at his companion. Am I mistaken or does a red flit across her face again as Heinz looks smilingly into the little box he gave her? She sits down kind of nervously. I serve them both the appetizer platter that Heinz had ordered right when he arrived. As a regular, he knows our menu very well and he knows what to please his female companions with.

Straight to the hot girl

Evi: Heinz is already waiting for me in our niche. I feel the remote-controlled vibrator – not unpleasantly – inside me. Heinz grins cheekily when he looks into the box and sees not the remote-controlled vibro egg, but my panties. As if in passing, he plays with his cell phone and a slight vibration begins in me. Surprised, I quickly sit down and enjoy the unfamiliar feeling that ends as quickly as it began. The nice waiter comes and I hand him my wine glass. Just as he pours, the rumbling of the remote-controlled vibrator egg begins again. I barely manage to keep the glass still. What will the fiery Italian think of me?

Luigi: The two lovebirds enjoy the the shrimp and scallops. Since the lady has hardly any wine left, I pour her some more. Her hand shakes and she blushes again. Do I seem like that to them? She has a great companion after all. And what he can offer her, she will certainly not find with me.

Primo Piatto

My confession: I wear a remote controlled vibrator in the restaurantEvi: Heinz has deactivated the remote-controlled vibrator inside me again, but the tingling in my body still lingers. It’s already a great feeling that Heinz triggers in me with the remote-controlled vibrator. I can hardly concentrate on enjoying the fettuccine we chose as our first course. Between my thighs it feels wet. Whenever I put the fork to my mouth, Heinz activates the remote-controlled vibrator. I can hardly eat like that.

Luigi: There seems to be a very special tension in the air between the two. Her eyes have that strange shine that I know from my girlfriend when I succeed particularly well in irritating her intimate zone. How does Heinz manage to have such an effect on her? Am I mistaken or do her nipples actually stand out clearly under her dress? First of all, she doesn’t need a bra and secondly, she is so self-confident that she can do without one. When I look at the two of them, it’s not just their nipples that harden.

Secondo Piatto

Evi: In the meantime Luigi served really tasty looking scallopina. While pouring the red wine, Heinz again lets the remote-controlled vibrator chase waves of pleasure through my body. I shudder and just manage not to drop the glass.

Xisca Bond does the same

Luigi: Oh man, if I didn’t see that great woman sitting at dinner, I’d think she was just getting really sexually pampered. She is shaking and can hardly thank me for my service. But her hands are on the table, she is not about to give herself such feelings.

Dolci with a remote vibrator

Evi: Heinz looks deep into my eyes and activates the remote-controlled vibrator. Even as we make small talk over the sweet tiramisu, he keeps playing with his cell phone. This causes the remote-controlled vibrator to give me more and more intense moments of pleasure. My counterpart manages to stop the lustful agonies again and again when I am about to be released. I would never have thought it of a remote-controlled vibrator that it could keep me on the verge of orgasm for so long. I don’t even like to think about the moisture on the chair. My nipples are hard as nails and rub against the fabric of the dress. I long to finally be allowed to come.

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Luigi: The red-haired girl really looks like Heinz is just getting her massively excited with his eyes and his distinctive voice. I would also like to have the ability to bring my girlfriend to the brink of orgasm completely without physical contact. I put the two of them their espresso and retreat again. But I can’t help it, I just have to keep watching the enraptured young woman. She brings the espresso to her red lips….

Did she actually orgasm under the waiter’s eyes?

Evi: The pretty waiter brought us the tiny cups with the espresso. Through the remote vibrator again great feelings are awakened in my pussy. I won’t be able to hold the small spoon with the sugar, so I decide to drink the coffee without sugar. Just as I bring the cup to my mouth, the remote-controlled vibrator sends particularly violent waves of pleasure through my body. I press my legs together.

My orgasm shakes my body so that I also partially spill the espresso. Only with difficulty do I manage not to shout out my lust at the top of my voice. As if through a veil, I see Heinz settling the bill. I’m still shaking when he grabs my arm and leads me out of the restaurant. Even though it’s hard, I keep the remote-controlled vibrator inside me.

Luigi: Wow, did she actually come? She really looks like her body is being shaken by a wild orgasm. Heinz counts the bill, including a generous tip. Then he leads his girlfriend out of the restaurant. She seems to be barely able to walk on her own. I look at her chair. What kind of liquid is this? Curious, I run my finger through it. So I also come to an extremely sweet dessert.

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