Guido Thomasi – The 2022 Exhibition in Hamburg

By Mario Meyer
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes
Guido Thomasi - The 2022 Exhibition in Hamburg
Guido Thomasi - The 2022 Exhibition in Hamburg

Erotic photographer Guido Thomasi exhibits in Hamburg

From Sunday, September 4, 2022, the “Retrospective on St. Pauli” can be visited at the EROTIC ART MUSEUM in Hamburg-Altona (Bernhard-Nocht-Strasse 79). On display will be works by nude photographer Guido Thomasi. The day before, the vernissage with invited guests will take place at the EAM. Parts of the exhibition can also be seen in the Kiez cult pub “Goldener Handschuh” (Hamburger Berg 2).

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As an erotic and nude photographer Guido Thomasi has made a name for himself far beyond the borders of Germany. He was born in Hanover on June 10, 1966 and worked for renowned magazines such as “Penthouse”, Hustler or “Coupé”. Well-known erotic stars like Sibylle Rauch or Dru Berrymore posed as models for him. Guido Thomasi collaborated on several illustrated books dedicated to the beauty of the female body. In 2000 and 2001 he was awarded the “Venus Award” as the best photographer.

A special kind of work exhibition

Guido Thomasi - The 2022 Exhibition in HamburgSt. Pauli, Hamburg’s entertainment district near the harbor and legendary red-light district, is still a tourist magnet. The strolling and party mile Reeperbahn, the Große Freiheit, the Sankt Pauli Museum, the theaters and stores attract locals and out-of-towners. Not only night owls enjoy themselves in legendary clubs, pubs and bars. From striptease to table dance to the Laufhaus, everything is offered on the Kiez. The works of nude photographer Guido Thomasi fit perfectly into this milieu.

The photo artist himself announces nude and erotic photos from the last 25 years of his work. Furthermore, he wants to present his third own illustrated book with exciting photos within the framework of the exhibition. In addition, there will be hand prints as signed unique copies. That’s not all: limited edition art prints, various posters, postcards and canvas paintings are also offered at the EROTIC ART MUSEUM. The erotic star calendar for 2023 is also already on offer. This is great and strikingly presented, shows many stars of the erotic scene and is supposed to be “probably the best star calendar of all time”.

As a special attraction, a canvas painting with a real-time certificate for the duration of Guido Thomasi’s exhibition is up for raffle. It is a unique piece in the format 80×120 and shows the bust porn model Paula Rowe. Further illustrated books, canvas pictures, calendars and posters will also be raffled off among the visitors.

Erotic exhibition with seductive pizzazz

It sounds promising what the erotic photographer writes about his Hamburg exhibition. There is talk of numerous subjects being touched upon, including classic nude photography, glossy shots and fetish illustrations. A world premiere is also planned. And with rare images that the nude photographer has edited in his own unique way. But he doesn’t want to reveal anything about that beforehand, so that it remains a surprise.

Guido Thomasi - The 2022 Exhibition in Hamburg

If you take a look at the homepage of the experienced photographer, you can get detailed information about his versatility. Glamour and fantasy, reality and vision are close together. In his own words, his career aspirations developed at the tender age of ten. That was when Guido’s very first photos were taken, shot with the so-called “Ritsch Ratsch Klick” from Agfa. Unfortunately, these recordings are no longer available.

Later, photographs of friends, relatives, flowers and animals were added. The photographer was finally able to set up his first black-and-white laboratory. How it all began with nude and erotic photography can be read in the new illustrated book, which will be published in the fall. Its working title is “Guido Thomasi, my life for the pictures”.

Guido Thomasi: professional photography on a high level

Even after 30 years, the nude photographer still has the desire to get beautiful women in front of his camera. Both on the Balearic Islands and in his own bathroom, he has succeeded in taking exciting pictures. Fetish & bondage provide him with special motifs for fascinating photos, and the fancy pub shoots bear his very individual signature. In many areas he was and is active and shows his attractive Thomasi models. Or how familiar the interaction between him and his Guido models is.

Guido Thomasi - The 2022 Exhibition in Hamburg

His “nudes in front of black” offer exciting poses and effective contrasts, and the erotic and nude photographer has also tried his hand at experimental photography. Guido Thomasi is showing some of the resulting images in his exhibition in Hamburg. In the field of so-called serious photography, he can also show numerous results worth seeing. In this category, sensitive portraits and fantastically beautiful landscape shots stand out.

Photographic enthusiasm also with the music

Nude and erotic photography - The 2022 exhibition in HamburgBeing a musician himself, Guido Thomasi has a strong affinity for bands and individual artists. He has succeeded in creating numerous atmospheric images in this artistic field. Brilliant still lifes, wedding photos, shots from the world of sports and much more complete the photographic artist’s oeuvre.

The spectrum in which he moves is multi-faceted. With his expressive, aesthetic and challenging nude and erotic photographs, he now belongs to the first rank in this genre. His pictures show what a good eye he has for his models and motifs and how perfectly he masters his craft. All those who share Guido Thomasi’s enthusiasm for erotic photographic art can look forward to the exhibition at the EAM.

An exhibition venue with flair

The Hamburg Museum of Erotic Art (EROTIC ART Museum) looks back on an eventful history. It was originally founded in 1992 in Bernhard Nocht Street. This runs between the famous Reeperbahn and the infamous Hafenstraße on St. Pauli. Before the museum moved back here in 2002, it was housed elsewhere. At the time, it was highly regarded for its extensive collection of over a thousand works, including those by Pablo Picasso, Otto Dix and Tomi Ungerer. When the EAM had to close in 2007, two million people had visited it by then.

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In the meantime, the EROTIC ART MUSEUM has been able to re-establish itself at its old location in the Hanseatic city. There are other important buildings on Bernhard- Nocht-Straße, for example the Tropical Institute, after whose former director the street was named. In 2018, Hamburg celebrated the reopening of the EAM, which today maintains a close relationship with artists from the district. Among them is the renowned photographer Günter Zint, who is considered a documentarian of various eras in the Federal Republic and of life in St. Pauli.

The exhibition and work show “Retrospective on St. Pauli” by Guido Thomasi at the EAM lasts until February 28, 2023 and is open daily from 2:00 pm. Every Saturday, the nude photographer will be on site as a contact person for the public and the media from 12:00 to 18:00. Press and visitors can expect additional surprises. And certainly some people will appear who would like to finally meet Guido Thomasi in person. Interested women can also drop by for the casting.

Nude and erotic photographer - The exhibition 2022 in Hamburg

All photos: Guido Thomasi –

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