Filicitas was more than a young escort whore

By Daniel Kemper
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Filicitas was more than a young escort whore
Filicitas was more than a young escort whore

My way to an escort whore

For a long time I had been struggling with myself, whether I should really take the service of an escort whore. Again and again weighed the advantages and disadvantages. Am I a loser if I have to pay for sex? Or is just a completely new, horny experience? In any case, I am very grateful that I did it. Because otherwise I probably never would have met Filicitas, also known as Hot Bella.

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How Filicitas became my absolute dream woman

Filicitas war mehr als eine junge Escort HureWell, how should I start? The best way is with the truth. I had been single for quite some time and had not had sex for what felt like an eternity. Okay, this reasoning may seem primitive, but I won’t lie

So once again I sat alone at home in the evening in front of my computer and scrolled through my favorite sites on the Internet. Among my favorites was also the website of an escort service. The women there all looked so hot that I visited this site at least every other day. While I was clicking back and forth through the pictures and descriptions of the ladies, a new photo caught my eye. I was immediately on fire.

A racy beauty, as I had seen her so far only one of my wildest fantasies. Below it, in squiggly letters, was the name Filicitas. I looked at the photo and let the name sink in. Filicitas.

Direkt zu Filicitas

It sounded exotic and had a touch of adventure. Gradually I felt a swelling in my pants that was getting bigger and bigger. All this merely from looking at a photo. Something like that hadn’t happened to me since my teenage days.

The question of whether I wanted to try an escort whore no longer arose. The answer to that was as clear as who should be the chosen one. Filicitas. The name hammered through my skull while my hand, almost without my knowledge, reached between my legs.

The first conversation with Filicitas

Filicitas war mehr als eine junge Escort HureWithout taking my eyes off the screen, I groped for the phone receiver. Already after the second ring I had a friendly woman’s voice on the line, who immediately forwarded me. Hello, I’m Filicitas, what can I do for you, sweetie? Her voice was sweet, almost fragile, and had a barely noticeable southern accent. I had a lump in my throat and had to pull myself together.

Somehow it seemed wrong to me to call her an escort whore on the phone. Finally, I gasped a simple hello into the receiver and felt infinitely stupid. She began to laugh. Not a nasty laugh, but a spontaneous heart-stopping laugh, as if I had just told the best joke in the world. Through this action alone, she had already wrapped me around her finger.

Direkt zu Filicitas

A conversation ensued about intimate needs, sexual preferences and repressed fetishes. She always gave me the feeling that I was not talking to an escort whore, but to a best friend. I felt that swelling between my legs again and this time I wasn’t ashamed.

The meeting

Filicitas war mehr als eine junge Escort HureFinally, the time had come. I had hardly been able to sleep the night before, I was so excited. I still didn’t feel like I was meeting with an escort whore. The thought that the woman gets money for the meeting should actually make me calmer. But it still felt like dating a woman you just picked up.

Butterflies in the stomach included. To be honest, the whole time I was even wondering if sex would happen between us that day. The thought is completely absurd for an escort whore, but Filicitas is in a class of her own.

Then the moment had come. My doorbell rang and in front of me stood the erotic manifestation of my wet dreams. The black curls fell down to her shoulders. Her eyes were of such a deep brown that I immediately threatened to sink into them. Her lips were full and her complexion sun-tanned.

My confession to Filicitas

Filicitas war mehr als eine junge Escort HureA thoroughly exotic dream woman. Her clothes were sexy, but not obtrusive. The miniskirt matched perfectly with the knee-high boots and sheer tights. The top two buttons of her blouse were open, but no one but me could see that. I stepped aside and let them into my apartment.

I always thought that an escort whore, with what she does, must be pretty pressed for time. Not so Filicitas. The racy beauty seemed to be the calm itself and took ample time to talk to me in advance. No rushed conversations about duration and prices.

Direkt zu Filicitas

Simple small talk, now and then loosened up by jokes. We really flirted with each other and the illusion that I was making the conquest of my life here was perfect.

After some time our topics became more erotic. She asked me openly if I had any unfulfilled wishes. I have never admitted it to anyone, not even my best friends. Now I confided my most intimate secrets to this almost stranger.

But the aura of this woman made sure that I did it without any shyness. I didn’t need to say anything else, as she seemed to be able to read the rest from my eyes. She took the lead and provided the best sex of my life so far.

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