Female porn from the firsties: what to expect?

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

The Ersties are authentic and unique

It’s simply fun not only to talk about the most beautiful pastime in the world, but also to be able to be there up close. That’s exactly what’s possible with Ersties. It is an extraordinary, very sophisticated platform that is all about eroticism in its most beautiful form. No matter if solo or in pairs – it is simply a pleasure to watch and to sympathize…

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Love, sex and tenderness – directly in front of the camera

Female porn from firsties

Who has desire for female eroticism, is exactly right here. Young women who like to give deep insights into their intimate life, who want to share or exchange about the wonderful world of eroticism will love this special platform. Everything is so relaxed and carefree. The project, which has been in existence for many years, is conceptualized, created and realized exclusively by women.

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Any showing woman up to 25 years old can apply and participate. The atmosphere among the girls is just great. Together, authentic stories with a “dash of sex” are filmed, and everyone involved has enormous fun. The finished films can then be watched over and over again by members of the Ersties community. As often as they want.

Female porn – as if taken from life

Imagine the following situation: A young woman comes home from university or her job exhausted and longs to relax extensively. She wants to leave the world literally at her doorstep and deal solely with herself. She runs a bath, gets undressed with pleasure during it and, dressed only in sexy underwear, goes to the kitchen to prepare a tea. In the background, you can hear the water rippling auspiciously in the Wane.

Female porn from the firsties: what to expect?

The pretty, very well-built woman goes back to the bathroom with her cup of tea and a candle that she lit earlier. She drapes both on the edge of the bathtub, leaning forward slightly. Her beautiful buttocks she holds in front of the camera. Consciously or unconsciously? The audience can only guess…

Suddenly the girl takes off her bra so that her plump breasts are visible. Is the woman holding her so close to the lens on purpose? One does not know. In any case, the crackling atmosphere is clearly noticeable. Now you just wait for her to finally take off her skimpy panties as well. And lo and behold – a few moments later, the secret wish of the audience comes true. Immediately, the naked woman gets into the bathtub and the pleasantly warm water plays around her taut skin.

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A moment that the actress visibly enjoys. She begins to play with her delicate fingers on her nipples. Then they move down a little further. What happens then remains the secret of the firsties ladies for the time being. Because only those who are also members of the platform will be able to fully enjoy what else is going on in front of the camera.

Female porn in the open air

Ersties has an incredible amount to offer. It’s just worth checking back every now and then to see the latest highlights. Female porn in the wild has always enjoyed huge popularity among viewers. How to imagine female porn of this kind? Typical Ersties: revealing, sensual, creative – and every time with this incomparable tingling charm.

Female porn from the firsties: what to expect?

The other day in a ruin, somewhere in the forest: two sweet walkers want to take a little break on their way and relax a little. The distance ahead of them is still quite long. They discover the ancient structure, find a cozy spot and put down their heavy backpacks. They take off their jackets and put them on the floor next to them. The gazes of the two girls meet. And at the same moment the crackling in the air is felt with full intensity. It also becomes immediately clear to the viewer what will happen next.

While one girl gently brushes a strand of hair from her companion’s face, the other places her hand on her friend’s narrow waist. The two approach each other and take advantage of this highly erotic moment. Very carefully and tentatively they kiss. At first still barely noticeable, but then their tongues play intimately and passionately with each other.

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Both women now eagerly begin to explore each other’s bodies. The hands move under the shirts, and gradually more and more skin is visible. The wonderful idyll in the forest adds to the breathtaking quality of these lustful shenanigans – and the viewer doesn’t even want to look away.

Stories that life writes – at the Ersties

Whether in a pretty student apartment, in a luxurious apartment or somewhere on a flower meadow – the erotic shenanigans, in which you can be present up close, seem extremely authentic. It almost feels as if the viewer himself is also in on the action.

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Ersties is simply different. There is something special about watching female porn of this kind. Of course, it’s just as exciting to be in front of the camera yourself and be part of a wonderful female team and have lots of fun! So what could be more natural than to apply as an actor and be there up close and personal and experience “live and in color” the sizzling atmosphere. In front of and behind the camera.

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