Crass – Breast fungus discovered in porn girl Xisca Bond!

By Marco Dorada
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Bond, Xisca Bond: The Lady with the License to Grow Mushrooms

It all started with breasts. A bosom as big as you imagine God to be. With nipples like erasers and soft skin, these massive breasts stretch across the entire screen of Eronite readers. Between them grows, proud and majestic as the world tree Yggdrasil, a gigantic mushroom. Breast fungus.

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It’s no coincidence that Xisca is back in the headlines. Eronite has already reported several times about the woman with the powerful arguments. But this time it’s about a scientific sensation. The cultivation of extremely horny breast mushrooms. Our Xisca, how could it be otherwise, once again in the middle instead of just there. But we want to report from the beginning and first deal with the phenomenon of the fungus itself.

Where to find breast fungus

Breast fungi, as the name suggests, thrive only in very handsome regions. The more enormous the chest, the more pompous the mushroom can bloom and unfold all its glory.

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It is therefore not surprising that particularly impressive breast fungi can be found in impressive personalities such as Xisca Bond. Cheeky tongues even speak of atomic mushrooms in their case.

The consumption of these mushrooms is very stimulating, but also not without danger
Crass - Breast fungus discovered in porn girl Xisca Bond!
Crass – Breast fungus discovered in porn girl Xisca Bond!

Anyone who dares not only to look at the beautiful breast plants, but also to taste them, is getting involved in a dangerous game. The effect varies depending on the degree of maturity. Just by looking at the mushroom and the surrounding breasts, the inclined viewer can fall into a lustful lethargy. Sweating all over the body and uncontrolled saliva leakage are often the result. Another common symptom is the short-term loss of the ability to speak complete sentences. Breathing becomes more vigorous and switches from the nose to the (usually wide open) mouth. The blood supply to the brain decreases. The excess life juice is immediately distributed in the genital area, which makes your own fungus swell in your pants.

In this state of erotic trance now mixes the scent of the breast fungus. Roughly, this smell can be described as a mixture of honey, cunt, sweat deposits and curry. Misted by the scent of the mushroom, it now comes to the actual consumption. Whether the victim of the mushroom before still spoils the breasts of the woman with the mouth, remains in the truest sense of the word matter of taste.

Breast fungi as sexual stimulants?

The taste of each mushroom was described very differently by the crowd of volunteer test subjects. As different as the aroma was, as dissimilar were the reactions. Which is not only because of the breast fungus itself, but because of the type of person who takes it. From a twenty-minute cum marathon to a spontaneous coma, everything was there.

Das ERONITE Dating

Some of the participants experienced massive personality changes. For example, one test subject thought he was Edmund the Bestoiber and gave a ten-minute speech about Munich’s main train station. Another thought he was a pet pig named Wuzzi who had to serve his mistress Miss Trix. Still others tried how it felt to swashbuckle and fuck crosswise.

A majority of the subjects fell into a state of perpetual horniness, which most described as very pleasant. Two-thirds of the subjects explicitly stated that they would continue to experiment with the breast fungi in the future. Even without medical supervision.

Is there a risk of dependence?

Are breast fungi addictive? Or are you simply in love with the landlady, whose beautiful tits made the creation of these mushrooms possible in the first place?

Crass - Breast fungus discovered in porn girl Xisca Bond!
Crass – Breast fungus discovered in porn girl Xisca Bond!

If breast fungi fall under the Narcotics Act, there may be legal consequences for ladies. Do the carriers of these mushrooms automatically become dealers – or are they said to be self-consumers? How many grams of breast fungus would then still be legal and at what amount does it become criminal? Or should the cultivation of breast fungi be legalized in general, as is now planned with cannabis?

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Questions I hope we never have to ask ourselves. After all, a certain sexual addiction and dependence on recurrent stimulation is present in every person who has outgrown the teenage years. To put it casually, after the first fuck everyone is lustful and addicted to the drug sex anyway. Whether it comes to the use of aids in the erotic shenanigans is fortunately up to everyone. Whether this involves sexy underwear, handcuffs or breast mushrooms is irrelevant, as long as both like it and no one is coerced into doing anything.

Back to Xisca Bond

As at the beginning of the article, let’s get back to Xisca and her mega tits: How is it that the phenomenon of horny breast fungus appears with her of all people? Does she grow these mushrooms or is she just lucky? Whether by accident or design, a closer look at Xisca’s bust definitely can’t hurt.

Perhaps with the appearance of this chest fungus, the world has also finally discovered where Smurf’s House is located. That would explain the constant good humor of the Smurfs, 99% of whom are men. Who wouldn’t want to live between those gigantic tits and have a constant grin on their face? All except Smurfette and Grouchy Smurf….

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