Best Deal: Here you can have sex for cheap!

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Have cheap sex – brothel prices in check

What costs nothing is nothing. This old “wisdom” also applies in the erotic field. Gentlemen who have a desire for really good sex, but are not willing to adequately reward the ladies for it, do not have to wonder if they do not reach their “goal”. Fair conditions are certainly not everywhere, and that is exactly why it is worth comparing prices in the prices in the brothel. If you want to have cheap sex, you should know your stuff.

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Prices vary enormously and you should also compare here. We have made some of these comparisons and present the results to our readers here:

Private prostitutes cheaper than the prices in the running house?

“Let off steam” for little money – this is possible if you look at the numerous offers for cheap sex. For example, the prices at hobby hookers can be quite respectable, and the visit to the street promenade is also worthwhile. In fact, the prices on the streetwalk are sometimes significantly lower than the prices in the Laufhaus.

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This certainly makes sense, because in a brothel the ambience is simply nicer, and often an additional “lucullan” supporting program is offered.

Those who desire satisfaction through sexual intercourse are unlikely to get this kind of sex for pocket money. Rightly so, because “man” should always also consider that cheap prices are always also disadvantageous for the ladies providing the service.

Brothel prices in check

Best Deal: Here you can have sex for cheap!In many establishments, especially in the more upscale erotic segment, most ladies work on their own account. But in many brothels, and especially on the street, the whole thing looks a bit different. Men who want to have sex on the cheap can rejoice. In most larger cities there is a streetwalk on the edge of commercial or industrial areas. There, the willing gentlemen can choose one of the ladies who present themselves at the roadside.

Sometimes the “chosen one” joins her client in the car and you enjoy yourself for a while in a more remote place. Whether it’s a handjob or a blowjob, the average cost incurred for this service is around 25 to 40 euros. Caution is usually advised with even lower prices. Offers for cheap sex should always be within the “normal range” and not below. For the sake of women. Because sex should not only be fun, but also fair…

Have sex cheaply – not at any price

Probably the cheapest way to release pressure is for “man” to get it himself. Handjobs can certainly bring satisfaction, but erotic games for two are now once more beautiful. Sex for pocket money is often offered by private prostitutes. Housewives or MILFs who want to earn some extra money are happy to offer their services. Some of them invite the clients to their homes, which of course involves a not inconsiderable risk.

The hobby hooker portal

Others have rented an apartment where they can meet. It should be taken into account here that it is not always possible to have sex cheaply, because the service providers must eventually also finance the maintenance of the corresponding premises. Sexual intercourse or even sex with change of position can cost between 50 and 100 euros in such establishments, depending on the duration. Meanwhile, cuddling and French kissing will be charged additionally.

Eroticism in the running house

Best Deal: Here you can have sex for cheap!Playhouses are becoming increasingly rare in this country. The ladies who have rented their own apartment or room there take a seat during their “working hours” either downstairs at the bar or upstairs, next to their room door. There they wait for their suitors. However, there are also those brothels where only pictures or videos can be seen next to the room doors. The gentlemen of creation can look at the corresponding recordings. If they like what is offered to them, they knock and negotiate the price with the respective lady.

30 minutes are usually available for about 75 to 100 euros. Special services such as fetish or BDSM games, however, will be charged additionally. Men who just want to have cheap sex are accordingly less well served in running houses. “Man” pays for the ambience.

No matter whether it’s a running house or prices on the street: In any case, everything is discussed in advance. This means that the woman states her conditions and the customer accepts them – or not. It is unusual to negotiate with the prostitutes. After all, who wants to feel like a commodity in a Turkish bazaar?

Prices in brothel vs. escort services

Offers for cheap sex are plentiful. Especially when you consider that again and again women from Eastern Europe come to Germany to “offer” themselves for a few Euros. The fact is that sex for pocket money can break the market. The fact that it can be done differently is proven by the increasing numbers with regard to escort services. For this, men have to dig deep into their pockets.

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Two hours of sex cost, depending on the lady, quite between 1,000 and 4,000 euros. Consequently, in the escort segment it is hardly possible to have cheap sex. On the contrary. But the investments are worthwhile. The escort ladies are usually – if they are high class escorts – exceedingly educated, breathtakingly beautiful, hungry for love and willing.

Many of the escort girls offer their services to finance their studies or to bridge a lull in orders (often in the modeling industry). It is even possible to spend a whole night or weekend with the ladies. Surely such an offer costs several thousand euros. But “man” can be sure that an unforgettable erotic adventure is waiting for him. Especially the so-called girlfriend experience is currently absolutely en vogue.

Reading tip for you from Eronite 555Read also:
Topic Red Light: How much does a blowjob cost in a brothel?
Rules and behavior in the brothel with prostitutes and escorts
Prostitution and rules – What do you have to pay attention to in the brothel?
As a virgin in a brothel: Your first time with a prostitute
Underwater brothel planned off the coast of Majorca

Men, who on the one hand want their freedoms, but on the other hand long for attention and a “normal” everyday life, are excellently advised with the – extremely expensive – Girlfriend Experience. Payment is by the week or month, so it’s roughly comparable to the plot in the movie “Pretty Woman.” You spend time together, cook together, do something or just have sex. And as often as “man” wants. For some gentlemen such an innocuous pleasure is literally “priceless”.

Prices at hobby hookers

No matter if you want to have cheap sex or if you are willing to spend a lot of money on eroticism – it is important that not only your own needs are in focus, but that the service providers are also thought of. Offers for cheap sex should therefore always be checked carefully, because sometimes such services are not necessarily beneficial for the performing ladies. An aspect that can lead to the fact that the rush of hookers from Eastern Europe will not stop in the future. Sure, it’s okay to have cheap sex, but just not at any price.

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