Favorite guest in the brothel: How to make yourself popular as a client

By Stephan Gubenbauer
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Guide: Becoming a sought-after favorite guest in a brothel as a client

There are a few secrets on how you can become a favorite guest in a brothel as a punter. There are a handful of things to bear in mind. Without giving too much away: It’s all about communication, respect and generosity.

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Communication is the key: The basis of every deep relationship, even in a brothel, lies in open and empathetic communication. If the exchange of thoughts and desires creates a deeper connection with each other, you quickly experience being perceived as a highly respected suitor. As a favorite guest in a brothel, it is therefore worthwhile to talk about your preferences and also take care of those of the other person.

A small challenge remains, however, that it is not only words that enable a suitor to look good and be perceived as generous. Non-verbal signals also play a role. It is always important to accept and maintain individual boundaries. Once you have earned a reputation as a favorite guest in the brothel, you can say that the foundation for a horny adventure has been laid.

Respect and appreciation are mandatory

Favorite guest in the brothel: How to make yourself popular as a client
Favorite guest in the brothel: How to make yourself popular as a client

If you treat the ladies in the brothel with dignity and respect, you will also receive appropriate reactions. As a favorite guest in a brothel, those involved usually know which guest they are dealing with as soon as they enter. You have earned a certain reputation that begins with a polite greeting. And the favorite guest in the brothel remains polite throughout his stay, because otherwise he wouldn’t have the position he has.

Respect and appreciation also refer to being in a brothel without prejudice or judgment. A pleasant atmosphere is guaranteed in this protected space if there is mutual respect. Appreciation for the work of the mentor also means appropriate monetary remuneration. If you stick to it, you quickly realize that a foundation for exciting encounters is created.

Authenticity can be helpful

To become a favorite guest in the brothel, it is a good idea to decide which role you would like to take on. Do you stay in your role as you would in private and outside the brothel or do you perhaps slip into a new role. It is always advisable to keep your goal clearly in mind. If you don’t want to reveal too much, but still want to be perceived as a pleasant suitor, you can be a version of yourself and your preferences and desires that only exists exclusively in these rooms.

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If you decide to stay in your true role, you can still communicate and live out your desires and sexual fantasies. For the favorite guest in the brothel, it is always important to choose a variant that suits you. In return, a suitor also wants to surround himself with ladies who feel comfortable in their role.

Intensive care and hygiene are important

Favorite guest in the brothel: How to make yourself popular as a client
Favorite guest in the brothel: How to make yourself popular as a client

When visiting an erotic club, everyone has individual requirements, including the grooming of the ladies. As a favorite guest in the brothel, adherence to these two basic themes can be perceived as an expression of respect for the ladies. And that is exactly what you usually want to achieve. With a well-groomed appearance, you can make a good impression on the ladies. Intensive care and hygiene are therefore not just a matter of course. They are much more a central contribution to having a pleasant and exuberant stay as a favorite guest in the brothel.

Discretion and confidentiality are part of it

Discretion is an important requirement in the red-light district. In order to become a favorite guest in a brothel, you should keep it charming and respectful. In addition, you know how to handle intimate information and actions confidentially. Once you have earned a reputation as a favorite guest in the brothel, your time in the brothel can be even more enjoyable. Discretion could become the basis for recurring and familiar encounters. If everyone involved feels comfortable with each other, there is hardly anything standing in the way of a hot evening and living out sexual fantasies.

As a sought-after favorite guest in the brothel, you can definitely enjoy certain benefits

Becoming a favorite guest in the brothel is up to you. If you approach the topics of respect, generosity, discretion and communication as described, your chances are very good. From sensual adventures to intense experiences, everything is possible.

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It is important that mutual understanding and recognition of boundaries are part of the whole. Your recognition value as a favorite guest in the brothel can make every visit an even more exciting experience for you thanks to a kind of familiar atmosphere. The question of whether you want to take on this role is up to you.

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