Blowjob Contest – Why every woman should take part in a blowjob contest at least once

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

The blowjob contest as the crowning glory of oral skills

A blowjob contest is the dream of many men. The more participants who compete in the supreme discipline of oral sex, the better. Tastes are known to differ and pleasures are perceived differently. It is therefore logical that the participants in a blowjob contest all put their hands or mouths on the same man. Who gets to take on the dream job of arbitrator at such an event could be drawn by lot in advance. At the next blowjob contest, someone else gets the chance. After all, fairness is part and parcel of sporting events.

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It reads like the script for the ultimate porn movie. A man has to choose between several women. So he lets them compete against each other in a fair and sporty blowjob contest. It should be immediately clear to everyone that this is a very special experience for men. After all, he is allowed to receive at least one blow job from each participant. If he does it skillfully, he lets some of the opponents compete against each other several times and gets even more oral pleasure.

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But there are also plenty of reasons for women to have taken part in a blowing competition at least once in their lives.

Learning by doing

If you want to improve at an activity, you have to practise. You only get better through constant repetition. That’s already in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s biography. It wasn’t about a blowjob contest, but the core message remains the same. Those who train regularly improve their skills. This applies to blowing bubbles as well as lifting weights.

Blowjob Contest - Why every woman should take part in a blowjob contest at least once
Blowjob Contest – Why every woman should take part in a blowjob contest at least once

What’s more, everything you can do well is more fun. Suddenly being able to lift heavier weights can be satisfying. Just like the even more satisfied facial expressions of the sexual partners.

What was true at school also applies to the blowjob contest: learning by doing.


Even if a blowjob is a one-man or one-woman show, women also talk about sex. In a blowjob contest, the topic of conversation is already predetermined. Tactics can be exchanged and procedures discussed here.

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Of course, the interested woman can also watch the blowjobs of her opponents. She can see exactly what she likes and what she doesn’t like from the man’s reaction. In the context of such a live study, every woman can only win. Both in terms of experience and new techniques and oral practices.

Pressure to perform or ambition?

How many men can I orally pleasure in one evening so that each of them just lies in the corner smiling with pleasure? There are girls who want to enter the Guinness Book of Records with something like this. A blowjob contest like this can awaken an unprecedented level of ambition in the participants. And every woman who discovers her passion for giving head is a revelation for the world of men.
Certificates can be created and issued for the winner and the other participants.

Blowjob Contest - Why every woman should take part in a blowjob contest at least once
Blowjob Contest – Why every woman should take part in a blowjob contest at least once

Every woman can score points with these trophies when she invites her new crush over for the first time and the certificate happens to be lying around somewhere. A trophy in the shape of a golden dildo would also be conceivable. Or a wide open mouth with tongue hanging out. There are no limits to the imagination here. Inspired by the Olympic idea, individual blowjob contests could develop into international competitions. Only the coverage of these events would have to take place after 22:00.

The crowning glory of a blowjob contest

It’s familiar from Formula 1: once the winner has been decided, the whole team runs around with champagne or champagne bottles. They shake vigorously and splash each other wet. Something similar could also happen at the end of a blowjob contest. The winning team also runs around shaking, even if no drinks bottles are meant in this case.

The winner doesn’t get champagne sprayed in her face afterwards, but sperm. Those who have previously completed several rounds of blowjobs and swallowed diligently are now finally allowed to spread the warm liquid over their face. This will look particularly good in the winning photo.

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