Porn as a hobby? The business with amateur sex

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 9 minutes
Porno als Hobby? Das Business mit Amateur-Sex

Not only men have porn as a hobby

Women also have an extensive penchant for eroticism. Many people dream of turning their hobby into a profession. It entices you with the thought of never having to work again, but only doing what you enjoy. Porn as a hobby and later as a main profession is definitely possible and easier than ever thanks to today’s possibilities. But is this career aspiration really worth pursuing? SWR investigated this question.

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The full-screen contribution from Südwestdeutscher Rundfunk

Porn as a hobby? The business with amateur sex
Porn as a hobby? The business with amateur sex

The well-researched SWR report provides insights behind the scenes of the porn industry. The very first shots make it clear that this is not a dazzling fantasy world, but serious business. Porn as a hobby is something completely different.

Above all, the girls themselves have their say, who started out with porn as a hobby. Emma Secret, the porn officer, Hana Noami, Texas Patti and Gabi Gold speak plainly in front of the camera. Positive, but also a lot of negative things are discussed. Texas Patti, in particular, doesn’t mince her words in her usual way.
There are unvarnished reports here about agencies that withhold income or try to persuade the girls to do something. Some of these agencies even offer the prospect of user meetings with the amateur girls, even though they don’t want this at all.

As noted by Texas Patti, many of the girls who discover porn as a hobby are just eighteen. This means that although they are of legal age and have full legal capacity, they may not yet be fully aware of the consequences of their actions. Once a video has made it onto a sex site, you can’t get it off again. Or they are simply uploaded again elsewhere. These videos will accompany the girls for the next thirty or forty years of their young lives. With all the negative side effects. Should the amateur girl one day turn her back on the porn industry and apply for a normal job, such videos can become very disturbing.

➤ Hobby porn girls

There is also talk of long-term psychological damage. Especially when the girls engage in sexual acts for the sake of money, which they actually reject. Damage of this kind can still occur after twenty years. There is no official contact point for camgirls with mental disorders. Just as little as a trade union.
The report also features a sociologist who focuses on the pressure to perform that the girls are exposed to on a daily basis.

There is also a social worker who the girls from the industry can turn to with problems. This gives the entire report an additional serious note.

Porn as a hobby? The business with amateur sex
Porn as a hobby? The business with amateur sex

Which of course has to be mentioned at this point: The full-screen contribution about porn as a hobby and career aspiration is presented by the lovely Rabea Westarp. This fact alone makes the report even more worth seeing.

For anyone interested, this almost thirty-minute report is available in the ARD media library.

The big player on the market

The clear market leader is MyDirtyHobby. This platform belongs to Ylo (formerly MindGeek). Incidentally, the Pornhub, Youporn and Redtube sites also belong to this group. This is therefore unmistakably the greatest of the great. Camgirls who used to view porn as a hobby and now want to pursue it professionally will find MyDirtyHobby hard to pass up. There are thousands of amateur girls.

Without an existing fan base, it is difficult or almost impossible to stand out from the crowd and attract attention. A strong partner is needed here. Being pushed as a newcomer at MyDirtyHobby can have the desired success, or at least give you a huge boost in the right direction. Just like the regular fan campaigns. Girls who sign exclusive contracts with MyDirtyHobby are of course given preferential treatment here and appear more often on users’ screens.

Of course, all this comes at a price. It is clear that a portal has some costs for providing all the technology and a smooth Internet connection. These costs must be recouped and a profit for the respective portal is also morally justifiable. But what is still considered acceptable in this context is, as always in life, in the eye of the beholder. The portals receive a percentage of the girls’ earnings.

Porn as a hobby? The business with amateur sex
Porn as a hobby? The business with amateur sex

Webcam chat, purchased images and films, chat messages – every portal has a hand in all this revenue and is cashing in. The figures naturally vary from portal to portal. However, MyDirtyHobby is said to be one of those that charge rather steep prices. We are talking about up to seventy-five percent.

Therefore, caution is definitely advised when committing to a particular portal. Every girl must carefully check whether the advantages offered by the portal outweigh the disadvantages before committing herself to a contract.

Should porn as a hobby remain a hobby?

If you now do something for a living that you used to do just for fun, you will inevitably find yourself in situations that you didn’t have to deal with in your hobby. For example, a DJ suddenly has to play music that he doesn’t like at all.

➤ Hobby porn girls

Actors have to take on roles in which they make idiots of themselves. In the same way, a camgirl is suddenly confronted with requests for sexual practices that were previously repugnant to her. Anal sex, gangbang and SM are not everyone’s cup of tea.
So how should we react? There are different approaches here, depending on the camgirl. Some remain true to themselves and their line, while others follow the wishes of their users. Incidentally, the latter are clearly in the majority. Which significantly increases the pressure on the girls who are mindful of their taboos.

The more practices the girls offer, the more money they can earn. The more unusual the offer, the deeper the customer has to dig into their pockets. But does it really work that way? If all girls offer everything and know no taboos, there are no more specializations. For example, if a customer is explicitly looking for dominant women, they will very quickly discover that pretty much every camgirl has the terms dominant and submissive built into their profile.

Porn as a hobby? The business with amateur sex
Porn as a hobby? The business with amateur sex

According to their own description, the girls can usually play both roles equally well. A circumstance that does not necessarily inspire initial confidence. A very clear delineation of what the respective amateur offers and what not would be more helpful for the searching user.

So should the girls continue to see porn as a hobby? Some of them for sure. For many, it’s over after two to three years anyway. These are the people who, according to Texas Patti, approached the matter with the wrong ideas.

The allure of quick money

Platforms such as MyDirtyHobby advertise that there are no upper limits to earnings. The more diligently someone approaches the matter, the more can be earned. This statement is initially correct in this form.

➤ Hobby porn girls

And finally, there are also enough camgirls who started with porn as a hobby and can now make a living from it. The earning potential is very good, no question about it. For many, turning porn as a hobby into a career was the best financial decision of their lives. It goes without saying that this makes your own life more interesting and exciting.

Girls who are planning to make porn a hobby and later a career should start by listening deeply to themselves. If you are good at dealing with pressure and, above all, can say “no” in a rigorous manner, you already have the basic prerequisites. Having fun during sex is essential. Porn should be more than just a hobby.

If you are still struggling with yourself after reading this text and are undecided, you should invest half an hour in the report. Or sign up for a porn casting and get a taste of the erotic world. Anyone who has experienced what it’s like on a shoot can make better decisions afterwards. Porn as a hobby or to earn money? Depending on the type of person, both are conceivable.

Transparency in the porn industry

Finally, it should be noted that the operators of MyDirtyHobby responded in writing to every question posed by SWR. A position was taken on various accusations, also in writing, in a comprehensible form. It’s nice that nobody is hiding behind technical jargon here.

➤ Hobby porn girls

In general, the feeling remains that MyDirtyHobby deals with the topic openly and honestly. Together with the camgirls, who report openly and honestly about their experiences in front of the camera, a certain transparency is created. This transparency is important for anyone who has porn as a hobby and wants to turn it into a profession later on. The more background information you can obtain in advance, the more rational your decision will be. A girl who has informed herself well in advance about the industry and the internal processes gains confidence. There is also less chance of regretting this step one day.

The actresses mentioned in the article can also be contacted. Some have their own website with a contact option. In any case, each of them has profile pages on the relevant portals. You will have the opportunity to contact the girls there at the latest. Even if this may cost a few euros, the money is still very well invested in the future. If the tips from the experienced camgirls help you to avoid even a single mistake, it’s already been worth it.

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