Squirt into your girlfriend’s open mouth and onto her tongue

By Stephan Gubenbauer
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Squirt on a woman’s tongue

… as a sign of your own dominance

Squirting into your girlfriend’s open mouth and directly onto her tongue is the secret desire of almost all men. Oral sex deluxe, so to speak. But depending on how your partner is wired, it can lead to unpleasant discussions if this wish is expressed. Tactics are required here. Almost all women know that men dream of squirting on their partner’s tongue. It is therefore clear that this wish will be expressed at some point. The timing is particularly important here.

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Let’s start with the simplest variant imaginable. If the partner already has a submissive role within the relationship, she is used to following orders. In this case, you explain to her in advance exactly how you would like to be orally satisfied. And that she will be sprayed on the tongue at the end. As a good slave, she will follow instructions and do her best to satisfy the man according to his wishes.

Can it really be that simple?

There is a good reason why the topic of slaves appears at the top of this article. Because submissive fantasies are more widespread among women than many of them would admit at first. Many women find the idea of simply being taken by a man erotic. It doesn’t have to degenerate into S&M, but power games are sexy.

Squirt into your girlfriend's open mouth and onto her tongue
Squirt into your girlfriend’s open mouth and onto her tongue

In most cases, women are weaker than men. Many see exploiting this weakness as confirmation of their femininity. Anyone who has accepted the role of the weaker part will also comply with instructions or demanding requests. Oral sex followed by tongue squirting can be one such demand that places a woman in her secretly desired role.

When exactly should the topic be addressed?

Even if many women have secret fantasies, they also have morals and values that have nothing to do with the submissive role. In addition, submissive sex, tongue squirting etc. are not things that can be reconciled with the image of an emancipated woman. Therefore, the time at which such topics are addressed is particularly important. More precisely, it is important to recognize which role the woman is currently in.


When she comes home from work, she will still be in the role of the career woman. A question about the submissive role will inevitably fall on deaf ears here. Of course, the presence of children is also not an option for such projects. Because as a mom, the woman runs the household, gives instructions to her kids and checks their homework. Submissive tendencies are completely out of place here.

The hotter the woman, the hotter the sex

For topics of this kind, the woman should already be a bit turned on. Dimmed lighting and atmospheric music are never wrong. A few random touches throughout the day and some raunchy remarks. Women quickly realize where the journey should go and reward the efforts their partner makes. In return, they get themselves in the mood with erotic thoughts during the day so that they can really switch off in the evening.

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If the woman is horny and wants sex, morals and emancipation take a back seat. Now it’s all about satisfaction and living out your own urges. Now fantasies and wishes can be expressed that would not have had a chance during the day. The reward for honesty usually follows immediately. Or in the mouth.

Tongue squirting is not just something from sex videos

Your own experiences are always better than the passive consumption of some movie. Of course you’ll find what you’re looking for more quickly on the Internet and find horny girls who think it’s cool to get cum on their tongues. There’s also nothing wrong with enjoying such videos from time to time. But in the long run, you should talk to your partner about your desires and enrich your own sex in this way. Squirting on your girlfriend’s tongue yourself is much hotter than just watching.

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