Heavenly orgasm: 7 reasons why women love blowjobs

By Stephan Gubenbauer
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

It’s all about whether women love blowjobs

Men are totally into being satisfied orally. Everyone knows that. But the fact that many women also love blowjobs is sometimes not so common. Somehow the prejudice has prevailed that women only do this kind of practice for the man’s sake and never on their own initiative. But in reality, it’s usually only nuances that decide whether women love or hate blowjobs.

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First and foremost, completely normal standards are important, for example personal hygiene. No woman wants to put an unwashed and perhaps even smelly penis in her mouth. The reasons for this are obvious and need no further explanation.

The initial situation is very important

If the woman has the feeling that she has to do something, she will logically hardly enjoy the forced activity. If the blowjob is only performed to prove your own horniness to the man, then this can ultimately not end well for either party. Even worse is when the blowjob is seen as a means of keeping someone within a relationship. Such relationships are not good for the respective partners and are doomed to failure from the outset.

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Now that we’ve dealt with the negative aspects for long enough, let’s move on to more positive aspects. Namely the seven points that ensure that women really love blowjobs and can’t get enough of them.

He who has the penis in his mouth holds the scepter in his hand

Heavenly orgasm: 7 reasons why women love blowjobs
Heavenly orgasm: 7 reasons why women love blowjobs

No man who has just received a blowjob is capable of doing anything. With the exception of moaning, perhaps. The woman has full control over the man’s oral satisfaction. She uses her tongue to determine the speed at which things progress and how quickly the man’s pleasure is increased. The woman decides with her mouth whether the man is allowed to orgasm and when this will be the case. This puts the woman in a position of power. Depending on their inclination, this feeling of power can be reason enough why many women love blowjobs.

Tit for tat

The idea may not be entirely altruistic, but it is part of human interaction. If you are courteous and polite, you can expect to be treated in the same way. In an erotic context, the matter is just as clear: if you use your tongue, you can hope to be orally pampered as well. Women enjoy this pleasure at least as much as men. A woman who wants to be pampered orally herself also likes to make sexual advances. Without any ulterior motives, of course.

If you’re sexy and you know it use your tongue

Earlier we talked about power. But a blowjob where the man can only drool with satisfaction triggers something else in a woman. The feeling of being hot and desired is very important for every woman. Every woman wants to be perceived as beautiful and sexy. The reactions of a man during a blowjob are ideal for confirming the woman in her role as an irresistible vamp.

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The woman knows that she is in control and can see from the man’s erection that she is doing an excellent job. Oral sex to increase self-confidence. Another reason why women love blowjobs.

Dirty deeds done dirt cheap

A blowjob is not an everyday occurrence and has a wicked image. Almost all women have to play the role of dear wife, mom, colleague and friend all day long. It’s good to break out of this role from time to time and be dirty and filthy to your heart’s content. Sex is the very best opportunity for this, because no one but your partner can hear your most intimate desires. Here a well-behaved wife can transform herself without inhibitions into a dominatrix, sex slave or an extremely talented cocksucker.

True masters of their trade

Not all bubbles are the same. The variety of possible techniques is overwhelming. Tongues, lips and teeth can be used in completely different ways, depending on preference. Not only the glans can be caressed, but the entire member, either with or without testicles.

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This multitude of possibilities allows women who enjoy the above-mentioned reasons to become real experts. Who doesn’t like to try out new techniques and see how they react? The willingness to experiment and the opportunity to exchange ideas about different techniques is another reason why many women love blowjobs.

The journey is the reward (or something like that)

Women only have real fun during sex when their partner is also aroused. This is not a cliché, but a fact. The hornier the man, the hotter the woman becomes. In the case of a blowjob, the woman literally has the man’s lust before her eyes. As his excitement increases, so does her lust.

Last but not least: solidarity

A blowjob is a very intimate affair. Eye contact is particularly important. After all, it’s not for nothing that all the amateur starlets look right into the camera during oral sex. Men think it’s cool and so do women. Eye contact during sex creates a feeling of closeness, which is particularly important for the ladies.

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