From Reward to Loss of Control – Can Porn Become an Addiction?

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


When chats, photos and videos become a problem

Viewing intimate scenes between people can develop into an addiction and significantly alter personal sexuality. Pornography serves many to refresh their intimate life. While initially stimulating, it now represents a dependency for numerous individuals in Germany. This addiction is now recognized as a compulsive sexual disorder, and treatment options are emerging.

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How porn can become an addiction

“When I was 13 years old, I saw pornography for the first time,” reports Niklas, a pseudonym. During his adolescence, consumption increased. With the onset of the pandemic, his consumption “exploded,” he notes. The now 25-year-old then sought support. He is not alone: “About three percent of adult men in Germany suffer from pornography use disorder,” says Rudolf Stark, a professor of psychotherapy at Justus Liebig University in Giessen. About one percent of women are also affected.

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Professional help for sufferers like Niklas is not universal, according to Stark. He has been dealing with the issue of pornography consumption for over 15 years. Many therapists are not yet prepared for this disorder, he said. In 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) introduced compulsive sexual disorders as impulse control disorders. This step was very significant, according to Stark. However, official recognition as a dependency is still lacking.

Innovative therapeutic approaches

Rudolf Stark has been heading the “PornLoS” project at the University of Giessen since July 2023. This project aims to develop new therapeutic methods. Funding for this research project amounts to 5.4 million euros over the next three and a half years.

From Reward to Loss of Control - When Porn Becomes an Addiction
From Reward to Loss of Control – When Porn Becomes an Addiction

According to Stark, the pandemic was not the main driver for this project. While there were reports of an increase after the initial lockdown, later studies could not confirm this.

An imbalance of neurotransmitters

Munich therapist Heike Melzer explains how the so-called porn addiction can start. Initially, it serves as a means of reward for many. But over time, tolerance can develop and ultimately lead to loss of control.

Some of their patients have financial or time issues due to their increased consumption. Excessive viewing of pornography can lead to desensitization. Melzer emphasizes that the neurotransmitter dopamine plays a central role. An excess of dopamine kicks can desensitize the brain and disrupt the natural regulation of the “happy hormone.”

The effects on sexual function

Niklas noticed that the type of content he was consuming was changing. His relationship suffered and ultimately ended. Excessive use can often lead to sexual dysfunction, according to Melzer.

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People who think their partner may be affected should raise the issue, Melzer said. Support groups are also available for family members of people suffering from pornography addiction. Niklas emphasizes that his therapy has helped a lot, although he still struggles with the consequences of addiction.

When porn becomes an addiction, it can have profound effects on a person’s life. It is important to raise awareness of this problem and provide appropriate treatment options.

From isolation to recovery

Pornography addiction can isolate people, alter their self-perception, and ultimately destroy relationships. However, it is possible to overcome this addiction and live a healthy, balanced life.

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Technology and availability as a double-edged sword

With advancing technology and digitization, access to pornographic content has multiplied. While some see it as liberating and find a healthy balance in consumption, others fall into an abyss of overuse.

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Devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers facilitate access to such material, and the anonymity of the Internet provides a cover that allows many to keep their addiction hidden. The spatial and temporal availability of pornography over the Internet compounds the problem for some.

The road to recovery

For many, like Niklas, healing begins with acknowledging the problem. From support groups to individual therapy sessions, there are a variety of resources that can help. Finding a support system that helps individuals overcome their addiction and reconnect with reality and their loved ones is critical.

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Dr. Martina Schmidt, a Berlin-based therapist, stresses the importance of understanding and empathy in treating such addictions. “Many of those affected struggle with shame and self-loathing. Making them realize they are not alone and that help is available can be the first step toward recovery.”

Prevention is the key

Education about the potential risks and effects of excessive porn use should be more firmly established in society. Schools and parents should integrate the challenges of the digital world and how to deal with it into their education.

Final thoughts

Addiction to pornography is a complex issue that should receive more attention in society. It is important to talk about the topic without prejudice and to support people who seek help. Anyone struggling with this addiction should know that recovery is possible and that there is hope for a full, balanced life.

Source: n-tv

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