Visit a brothel in spite of a relationship: You have to consider this

By Benno von Sandhayn
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes


A forbidden visit to a brothel?

The topic of “visiting a brothel despite a relationship” is complex and often fraught with stigma. Everyone has different perceptions of fidelity and relationships, and opinions about visiting a brothel despite a relationship can vary accordingly. In this article we will go into various aspects and give you an overview of what you should consider when visiting a brothel despite a relationship.

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Why do men go to brothels despite being in a relationship?

Visit a brothel in spite of a relationship: You have to consider this
Visit a brothel in spite of a relationship: You have to consider this

The reasons for visiting a brothel despite a relationship can be many. A frequently cited reason is sexual dissatisfaction in the relationship. Men may feel that their sexual needs are not being met and may then seek sexual gratification in a brothel. Other men may be attracted to the “forbidden” or the “mysterious” of a visit to a whorehouse, which offers them a certain thrill or the fulfillment of a fantasy.

It is also possible that some men go to brothels because they are looking for a change or diversity. This does not necessarily mean that they no longer love their partner, but may also indicate that they are struggling with routine or monotony in their relationship.

Cheating – every couple defines it differently

The definition of cheating can vary greatly from couple to couple. While some people believe that visiting a brothel despite being in a relationship is a clear case of cheating, other people see it differently. There are couples who have open relationships or are polyamorous in some way, so visiting a brothel despite being in a relationship cannot be considered cheating for them. So the definition of cheating depends heavily on individual agreements and mutual understanding within a couple.

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Whatever your opinion on cheating, one thing is clear – honesty and transparency are of great importance in any relationship. It is crucial that you and your partner communicate openly and honestly and clarify any uncertainties or concerns that may exist. In this way, misunderstandings can be avoided and breaches of trust, which can have serious consequences, can be prevented.

What kind of sex work is suitable if you want to have sex anonymously and secretly?

Visit a brothel in spite of a relationship: You have to consider this
Visit a brothel in spite of a relationship: You have to consider this

If you have decided to visit a brothel in spite of your relationship, you should pay special attention to discretion and anonymity. Brothels that place particular emphasis on privacy and discretion could be a good choice here. These establishments usually take care to ensure discreet entry and exit of visitors and keep the identity of their customers strictly confidential.

Alternatively, there are anonymous sex dating platforms on the Internet. These platforms make it possible to search for sex partners anonymously and remain anonymous as far as possible. However, with this option you should be aware that the Internet and especially dating portals always carry a certain risk in terms of privacy and security. Therefore, you should be careful here as well and make sure to protect your personal data.

In any case, regardless of the method chosen, one should always maintain respect and dignity towards sex workers and be aware of health risks and applicable laws and regulations.

Reading tip for you from EroniteRead also:
Kissing in brothel: all about kissing in the whorehouse
Rip-off in the brothel: the lousy scams of the whores
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Remember that visiting a brothel can be a touchy subject despite being in a relationship. Open communication, respect, and a willingness to address the partner’s concerns and fears are therefore paramount. Every person and every relationship is unique, so ultimately there is no “right” or “wrong” answer to the question of whether going to a brothel is acceptable despite being in a relationship. It is a personal decision that each person must make for themselves, based on their own values and personal beliefs.

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