7.10. – Anike Ekina celebrates her birthday!

By Julia Moreno
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
7.10. - Anike Ekina celebrates her birthday!
7.10. - Anike Ekina celebrates her birthday!

Anike Ekina birthday ♬♩

Model, singer, DJane and porn girl

On 7 October Anike Ekina celebrates her birthday! From the whole Team of the Eronite the very best congratulations and all the best for your day of honour, dear
Anike Ekina

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Anike Ekina birthday - Happy birthday from EroniteAnike Ekina is not only a porn actress, but also known from radio and television as a model and singer. As a DJane she even won one of the coveted Venus-Awards. A prize she was not unjustly awarded! In 2012, the platinum blonde, attractive young Anike Ekina started in the erotic industry and initially joined a label exclusively.

No wonder she quickly became known throughout Germany, she has always worked hard for her goals and always has them in mind when she goes about her business. Anike Ekina leaves nothing to chance, her career is well structured. She is always there for her fans, never aloof and never at a loss for a saucy saying. Under the hashtag #Nipple Alarm Anike Ekina mixes up the social networks, likes to show her (not so natural anymore) big breasts with the mostly steeply protruding nipples, which like to push themselves cheekily through the thin fabric of her outerwear.

♬♩ Happy birthday, Anike Ekina, happy birthday to you…

But today we want to celebrate Anike Ekina and not constantly admire her firm breasts! In her spare time, the blonde likes to play tennis and go to the gym, listen to music and prefers to read books by scary author Stephen King. In bed she loves nylons, high heels and sparkling games with golden shower, active and passive.

If you ask Anike Ekina where she prefers to do it, the hydrogen blonde porn mouse can’t find the right answer. She prefers to have sex where it happens. The place is completely secondary for them – the main thing is that it’s cool! That’s why she would never want to do without pretty girls (yes, Anike Ekina is bisexual) and sexy men at parties. Because besides her family and friends, Anike Ekina one thing is most important: sex.

She can’t get enough of it either and is in the porn industry just right to be regularly hardcore. That’s her second page. Anike Ekina is nature-devoted and loves to give herself to a man. He may also grab them a little harder, tie them up and sometimes even beat them. When Anike Ekina thinks about it alone, the pussy juice from her pussy already runs down her legs!

The Anike Ekina birthday today – all the best!

By the way, she became really famous with her video about a cola can challenge, in which it was asked to hold a beverage can as long as possible with the breasts. More than 5 million people have seen the video of Anike Ekina and most of them were thrilled by the stunning blonde porn actress!

More porn pictures andsex videos of the pretty blond is here: Anike Ekina

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