Auf Rezept: Potenzmittel und erektionssteigernde Medikamente

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
Auf Rezept: Potenzmittel und erektionssteigernde Medikamente
Auf Rezept: Potenzmittel und erektionssteigernde Medikamente


Erection enhancing drugs from doctorABC

Anyone who has problems with male strength is probably looking for a solution. Erection-enhancing drugs can help with erectile dysfunction. But especially in today’s times of the corona pandemic, many men shy away from going to the doctor’s office.

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However, there is a possibility to have them prescribed by the online doctor. Erection-enhancing drugs (sexual enhancers) should be taken only as directed by the online doctor.

Does diabetes cause erection problems?What is erectile dysfunction?

An erection is necessary for a man to be sexually active. If a dysfunction develops, this is no longer possible. It may then be necessary to take erection-enhancing drugs, which may also be prescribed by the online doctor. Without sexuality, no one could reproduce and humankind would die out. Therefore, the functioning erection in this context is quite important.

Who notices with itself that it comes to problems to maintain it, can strive as possible and discreet measure DoktorABC. He doesn’t even need to leave his apartment to do it. Erection-enhancing medications are prescribed if needed and health appropriate.

When erectile dysfunction exists, it is no longer possible to form an erection or one that is short-lived. Then sexual activities are no longer conceivable.

What are the causes of erectile dysfunction?

Various reasons can be responsible for erectile dysfunction, for which erection-enhancing drugs offer help. However, the main reason for this is various impairments of the blood vessels. These, on the other hand, are triggered by other ailments. This results in diseases of the blood vessels. Even those that are important for building an erection. If this no longer works, erection-enhancing drugs can be a good approach to solving the problem. To form an erection is possible only when the erectile tissue is supplied with more blood. Within it is an extensive network of blood vessels. They ensure that the corpus cavernosum expands and builds up an erection. To do this, the patient must meet two important conditions.

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Nerve and brain functions control blood vessels. The vascular system must be able to form and maintain an erection with the help of the corpus cavernosum. If it is not able to do so, it is necessary to clarify the causes. The online doctor can investigate these and possibly prescribe erection-enhancing drugs. Various other problems are responsible. These include diabetes mellitus and hypertension. They affect the interaction of blood flow and nerve stimulation.

With advancing age, difficulties can also arise because hormone production decreases. In this case, erection-enhancing drugs are used. Other reasons for erectile dysfunction are injuries or surgeries, especially procedures regarding the prostate. Removal often damages entire nerve cords that are important for erection.

Pelvic fractures can tear the nerve cords. Then the brain can still control an erection, but the erectile tissue no longer functions. Diseases of the nerves or the brain, in turn, can trouble the control system and prevent an erection. Multiple sclerosis is one such disease. The online doctor can find out whether erection-enhancing drugs are helpful here.

Auf Rezept: Potenzmittel und erektionssteigernde MedikamenteWhat are the symptoms of erectile dysfunction?

The symptoms are shown by the type of erection. Here it depends on how much the corpus cavernosum swells and how stiff the penis becomes. While these processes are related, they can be of varying degrees. To make the diagnosis, the doctor uses a classification. It is composed of six grades and evaluates from a functioning erection to erectile dysfunction. Those who choose treatment at the online doctor will receive erection-enhancing drugs if necessary, the shipping of which is done in discreet packaging.

The diagnosis of erectile dysfunction

In order to use appropriate means such as erection enhancing drugs for treatment, the online doctor must make a diagnosis. However, in this regard, he must carefully examine whether erectile dysfunction improves with erection-enhancing drugs. However, these can lead to undesirable side effects. The risk-benefit ratio must be carefully weighed. If positive effects are expected, erection-enhancing drugs may be prescribed. If the risk is too high, no action is taken.

Hier DoktorABC starten!

Information about the patient is required to enable assessment of the entire situation. This information can be provided online in a standard questionnaire. There are five questions for this, for which the answers are already given. Specific scores are assigned to these. This procedure is used internationally, the abbreviation is IIEF5. After evaluating this information, the online doctor decides whether erection-enhancing drugs can help or not.

What is the therapy for erectile dysfunction?

Depending on the diagnosis, something should be done about erectile dysfunction. This is often possible, for example, with diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure through strict weight reduction. In this way, therapy can completely eliminate the problem. Unfortunately, not everyone can do it. Therefore, whether erection-enhancing drugs on prescription are suitable for therapy is under consideration. However, these can also cause erectile dysfunction. Because of this, patients whose erectile dysfunction is caused by other conditions need multidisciplinary therapy.

Many men do not inform their internist about their erection problems after taking certain medications. It is possible that such a patient does not associate erectile dysfunction with them at all. He sees a urologist, who considers replacing the drug responsible for this with another. Namely, against erection-enhancing drugs that have no side effects of this kind. However, because the specialties of urologists and internists differ, the urologist does not want to influence the internist’s therapy.

Then the exchange of information between the two physicians is required. He will contact him by email or phone. Sometimes the problem can be solved, but now and then it can’t. It is not possible in such cases to find a substitute for the first drug.

Anyone suffering from erectile dysfunction is in good hands with a urologist who has andrological knowledge. In addition, dermatologists, endocrinologists, internists and general practitioners have also acquired this knowledge. An indication of this is the designation andrologist. If necessary, the patient is given erection-enhancing drugs.

Erectile dysfunction? Potency and erection enhancing drugs help!Erection enhancing drugs on prescription at the online doctor?

Those who do not want to be treated by a local doctor with their problem can consult the DoktorABC. All diagnostic measures take place online. First of all, it is necessary to fill in the questionnaire, from which there are no obligations. If the patient wants to be treated by an online doctor, the doctor checks the information in the questionnaire. This is followed by a recommendation for appropriate therapy, such as erection-enhancing drugs. The patient receives a prescription, which is also handed over directly to the partner pharmacy of the online doctors if the patient wishes. The medications are then shipped. There are no contaminated fake drugs here, but products approved in Germany.

A physical doctor’s visit is not required. Remote treatment is absolutely contactless, as the patient can stay at home. Not even to cash the prescription, because the DoktorABC sends it by mail. Further treatments are also possible online without the patient having to visit a doctor. This allows erection-enhancing drugs to be reordered discreetly.

Hier DoktorABC starten!

Medication for erection problems now online

The DoktorABC team is made up of online experts with many years of experience. They allow convenient treatment of patients with subsequent delivery. Of course, data protection is complied with in accordance with the law. The online doctors act carefully and conscientiously to ensure that the therapy that is most appropriate takes place. As a rule, these are erection-enhancing drugs.

DoctorABC offers patients the opportunity for online diagnosis and therapy, which may include erection-enhancing medications. However, the online doctor only issues a prescription after a comprehensive interview. The DoktorABC belongs to the Farma Direkt GmbH.

Help with erectile dysfunction
Discreet help for erectile dysfunction

Prescriptions for erection-enhancing drugs are issued by the online doctor only after he has checked the questionnaire beforehand. The decision as to whether these are the appropriate means of therapy is made by him on an individual basis.

No one has to worry about their data when they consult the online doctor. They are absolutely secure and the DoktorABC treats them confidentially in accordance with the Basic Data Protection Regulation. Patients can access the information on this on the DoctorABC website.

The online doctors from DoktorABC currently treat only the disease erectile dysfunction and the problems that arise from it. They act very cautiously and also point their patients to other treatment options. Often the reasons can be found in other diseases. There is also detailed information about this on the website. A blog is also available. Erection enhancing drugs come in different forms. The online doctor determines which one is most appropriate after reviewing the patient’s data in detail.

Hier DoktorABC starten!

The drugs that the respective online doctor prescribes are sourced in Germany. These are original drugs approved in Germany. Production and approval also take place here. The questionnaire must be filled out again by the patient at each consultation of the DoctorABC. The background to this is that every online doctor wants to ensure that nothing has changed in the patient’s clinical picture, on the basis of which the previous treatment was given. In addition, protection from side effects is another factor for filling. Any prescriptions for erection-enhancing drugs are automatically sent to the partner pharmacy, which takes care of everything else

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