German Amateurs: When the Neighbors Shoot Porn

By Daniel Kemper
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
German Amateurs: When the Neighbors Shoot Porn
German Amateurs: When the Neighbors Shoot Porn


Whether even their own neighbors shoot porn?

Yes, it could be the neighbors who are blithely shooting porn here! The allure of shooting porn has always existed. Thanks to the Internet and smartphones, it’s very easy for many German amateurs to publish their own erotic movies nowadays. That’s why more and more people are getting a taste for not just passively participating in what’s going on, but actively getting involved.

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German amateurs from German bedrooms

The idea is not that far-fetched and is quite conceivable nowadays. German amateurs can be found everywhere, so why not in the immediate neighborhood? Freaky porn stars with airs and graces are a thing of the past. German amateurs of today are people like you and me. These are people you can easily meet on the street or while shopping.

German Amateurs: When the Neighbors Shoot Porn

There is only one thing that distinguishes these people from other people. They have given in to the allure of the porn shoot and dared to do it. Being open about your sexuality is good for your self-confidence. Letting others participate via the Internet is good for your own wallet. But is it really all about money? Many German amateurs produce their videos for the thrill and fun of it. Or simply to have a nice memory of past times on the shelf yourself. Whatever the reason your neighbors are shooting porn, you should congratulate them on their decision.

German amateurs galore

Everywhere you look, new German amateurs are sprouting up and discovering the world of porn for themselves. Will there be oversaturation one day? Probably not, because after all, German amateurs will always end their erotic career somewhere and devote themselves to other things.

Deutsche Erotikstars

Since this is therefore a natural cycle, there is no need to fear actual oversaturation. And now let’s be honest: Who can get enough of new, pretty girls? Exactly. There can be many and even more German amateurs.

Hardly any technical know-how required

In the past, it more or less required the equipment of a film studio. Fortunately, that has changed these days. In most cases, a standard smartphone is enough to shoot a video including a decent sound. For editing and post-processing there are free programs on the Internet, the use of which is explained on Youtube.

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Other bells and whistles are “nice to have” when shooting the video, but not really necessary. On the contrary. It is precisely the lack of cinematic sparring that gives the shot porn more authenticity. Finally, the user has entered the search term “German amateurs” in the portal of his trust. He doesn’t expect an elaborate backdrop from Hollywood. After all, it is precisely the charm of inexpensively produced videos that convey the idea that one’s neighbors would shoot porn.

German Amateurs: When the Neighbors Shoot Porn

This somewhat wicked thought satisfies the inside voyeur. Watching people you know personally or at least by sight having sex is incredibly exciting. It’s a bit like watching your neighbor perform sexual acts through the window. All a little offensive and really you should turn away, but you can’t. The appeal of forbidden watching is greater. That about describes the charm of secretly watching. Especially when the neighbors are shooting porn.

Image rights against sex

One point that almost all amateurs offer are the so-called user meetings. Here is free sex for the fan with the lady of his dreams. He only has to consent to the recorded film being shown on the Internet. No intermediaries, no agencies, no one who enriches himself without actually having anything to do with the matter.

Deutsche Erotikstars

This way the fan has his fun and the lady may earn money with this video in the future. The concept is simple, works and is fun. This is why user meeting videos are so incredibly popular. The fans know that there is no actor at work, but someone who could be themselves. This knowledge naturally ensures that many people who have so far merely watched want to try it out for themselves. Be it as a user asking for a meeting or as a new webcam girl starting her own career.

Amateur porn from Germany: When the neighbors do porn

Also, self-made porn offers the opportunity to expand his own erotic horizons. Those who respond to requests and wishes from their fans and users will very quickly come across previously unknown practices. Since no one wants to disappoint their fans, they continue their education. In some cases, the girls discover here a real enrichment for their sex life. Sometimes the girls, who are sometimes quite young, discover tendencies in themselves that they didn’t even know about before. This turns shooting your own porn into an erotic journey of discovery. Self-discovery included, and the whole thing in front of an appreciative audience.

Reports, articles and insider reports

Everywhere reporters go to look behind the scenes of the porn business. In most cases, they don’t even have to travel to one of the film studios for this. Already in the immediate vicinity you can find the first girls who live out their fun in front of the camera. Once the journalist has tracked down the girls and made an appointment, he is usually surprised. Because at this point, a lot of the common porn clichés are already cleared up.

Deutsche Erotikstars

The girls are not uneducated or unemployed Hart IV recipients who see no other way out and have dedicated themselves only to the social fuck. Most of the young girls decided to shoot porn of their own free will. Pretty much every one of them has a high school diploma and vocational training. German amateurs are just normal people in most cases. Reporters usually notice this for the first time at this point. The initial reactions in their reports were correspondingly surprised.

Usually, the journalist is then allowed to watch the filming. Again, surprised reactions, how uncomplicated everything would be. Later, there is a “conversation afterward” in which the reporter hopes to find unflattering details. Depending on which magazine he writes for or which station he works for.

When the neighbors shoot porn

If everything has gone well, the girls are often invited to the studio to tell the astonished viewers themselves. Such programs then like to come up with lurid titles like “Inside Porno” or “German Amateurs Unpack”.

Are we becoming a sex nation?

Everywhere you look, there are German amateurs. On the Internet on relevant portals. On television in the report. In advertising. Even in the motion picture. Maybe even in the neighborhood? In your own house? That’s what you might think when you first get into the subject and you’re struck by the sheer number of amateur women.

But is that really the case? Hadn’t there been sexual revolutions before? For example, when the pill came on the market or when the miniskirt became popular. What do you think women would have done back then if they had had the same technical possibilities as we have today? The answer is obvious. It’s quite possible that the girls from the sixties would have done it a lot more colorfully and fantastically than we do today. The only thing is that not so many pieces of evidence in the form of videos exist from that time.

Deutsche Erotikstars

Quite apart from that, the appeal of shooting porn is not a phenomenon for exclusively German amateurs. Young people around the world are discovering the fun of filming themselves having sex and then publishing it. The Internet makes it possible. This way the camgirl from Colombia can generate fans in Germany and vice versa. The whole industry seems to be growing closer together. In the context of this international understanding, a reference to the proverb “Make Love, not war” is permitted. After all, German amateur girls are virtually ambassadors of eroticism all over the world.

Are you looking for portals where you can earn money?

We would like to recommend you the following amateur sites:

4based – 70% payout
Amateur Community – 35% Payout
Big7 – 30% payout – cancellation free
Mydirtyhobby – 25% payout

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