Fascinating: X-ray blowjob shows details

By Julia Moreno
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Fascinating: X-ray blowjob shows details
Fascinating: X-ray blowjob shows details


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What doctors and nurses do not tell their patients

X-ray blowjob: When it gets dark in Germany’s doctor’s offices, the nurses and doctors have fun with technical equipment. A fellatio in the X-ray image is one of the results.

The X-ray blowjobWatch out, ladies and gentlemen – what is going on secretly in German hospitals! Here you can see pictures that have rarely been seen before. Various techniques of fellatio (“blowing”) were vividly demonstrated using an X-ray machine. How and especially how far the erect penis can be “swallowed” in deeptroat can be clearly seen on the X-rays.

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Generally, fellatio stands for an immense increase in male sexual desire and is practiced either as foreplay or as the main act followed by ejaculation. Preferences, types and techniques are manifold here and get a special touch through a personal relationship between the two actors.

The X-ray blowjob did not serve research purposes

The pictures, which were secretly taken at night in the emergency room of the Sankt-xxxx-Hospital in the southern German town of xxxx [in each case made illegible for reasons of data protection; editorial note], show how far a human throat is able to accommodate a stiff penis. It is to be hoped that patients were not disadvantaged by this procedure and did not notice it.

It is not known why the nursing staff took these photographs and whether the hospital management knew about them.

Radiation in medical practices or clinics: risk and benefit are sometimes close to each other, but in the case of a medical indication (necessity) the weighing goes in the direction of benefit, as this is significantly higher than the relatively low risk.

MRI (magnetic resonance tomography), X-ray imaging and CT (computed tomography) play an important role in diagnostics, but radiation exposure, especially X-rays and CT, can have harmful effects on health. A normal X-ray is considered far less stressful than a computed tomography, in which the body is exposed to radiation five times as high as the annual exposure to radiation.

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