Texas Patti – Hollywood porn star at three porn castings

By Laura Buschmann
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Texas Patti – Pornostar aus Hollywood bei drei Pornocastings

Texas Patti from Hollywood as a guest at three porn castings

The Eronite Pornocastings offer something special every year. On four dates, aspiring porn stars and other interested parties have the opportunity to get up close to their stars and maybe even sleep with them. Texas Patti, a real porn star from Hollywood, has announced her presence on three dates. If you would like to get to know this hot woman, you can find out her dates and other interesting details about her life here.

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Texas Patti has announced three dates

Texas Patti - Hollywood porn star at three porn castings
Texas Patti – Hollywood porn star at three porn castings

The Hollywood porn star is currently very busy, so it’s no wonder that she can only make three dates: She is in Hanover on July 20, in Berlin on October 23 and in Menden in North Rhine-Westphalia on December 28. Tickets are available either at the box office or in advance. The latter is recommended, because only then can you be sure that one of the coveted places is still available. It also saves the porn fan 40 euros, which has to be paid as a surcharge at the box office.

For 99 euros, anyone can meet the Hollywood porn star in person and maybe even have sex with her. Even food and drink are included in the price, showers are available and clothes can be stored in a locker.

If you’re not yet sure whether sex in front of the camera and under professional filming conditions is right for you, choose the voyeur ticket for 79 euros. This can be converted into an active ticket at any time if you feel like having sex while watching.

Apply here now!

For 999 euros, there is an exclusive V.I.P. package with which you can get particularly close to your star. There is champagne to welcome you and even a separate V.I.P. lounge. Together with a friend, the package costs just 1798 euros. Escorted ladies only pay a nominal fee, which is refunded at the entrance.

Who is the porn star from Hollywood?

Texas Patti - Hollywood porn star at three porn castings
Texaspatti – Hollywood porn star at three porn castings

Texas Patti is an American by choice, as she was born on January 3, 1982 in Münster and is actually called Bettina Habig. Her black mane of hair and her exciting bust are striking. She started making porn films early on, which soon cost her her job because her boss didn’t approve of her side job. The choice of her name expresses her love for the USA. With increasing success in many porn films, she was able to fulfill her dream and moved to the USA in 2017. She was also very successful there. She has worked for various

well-known porn studios such as Brazzers, Naughty American and Evil Angel.
The Hollywood porn star is one of the best-known and most successful porn stars from Germany. She was not only active in films, but was also the advertising face of Beate Uhse and has even appeared in Penthouse.

If you need more proof that Texas Patti is a real heavyweight, it’s best to google the internet and read the various entries on forum pages. Lolling on a bed with a real Hollywood porn star in front of the camera is sure to be an unforgettable experience.

What is important when having sex with Texas Patti?

Texas Patti - Hollywood porn star at three porn castings
Texas Patti – Hollywood porn star at three porn castings

The ticket for 99 euros entitles you to take part in the casting, but is no guarantee that you can actually have sex with Texas Patti. Each star first makes a pre-selection. In the interview, you should answer the questions as honestly as possible. It is important that the participant likes Texas Patti and that the chemistry is right. If it fits, the probability of having sex with the Hollywood porn star increases. You should not allow yourself to be put under too much pressure.

It’s not always easy for men to show the necessary steadfastness when the camera is rolling, lots of people are watching and everything is precisely lit. Erection problems are normal for beginners, and many come too early and are then no longer able to. The participant should not worry about this, the important thing is that he was there. If a career as a porn actor doesn’t work out, there will definitely be memories to last a lifetime.
If you want to have sex with the Hollywood porn star, you should definitely arrive on set freshly washed. A good perfume can only enhance the positive impression.

➤ Directly to Texaspatti

Being at a porn casting is more important than starting a career as a porn star later on. Incidentally, the latter is entirely possible. Each participant receives a certificate and some go on to start a successful career in the porn industry.

Your chance to have sex with a Hollywood porn star

Sex with a Hollywood porn star is not an everyday occurrence, but with three dates at this year’s Eronite erotic casting, it’s certainly within the realms of possibility. Texas Patti has announced her arrival and anyone who has already admired her in porn movies or on the cover of well-known magazines should not miss this opportunity.

99 euros is almost a bargain for the fun, considering that even food and drink are included. You should almost consider whether a V.I.P. ticket for 999 euros isn’t the better investment. But you have enough time to get to know the star personally and up close. This is very important for sex later on, because if you build up a relationship, you are more likely to get an erection that will last through a longer porn movie.

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