Miss Vagina – the most beautiful pussy in the world

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
Miss Vagina – the most beautiful pussy in the world
Miss Vagina 2015 election

Crazy most beautiful pussy in the world and a Miss Vagina

The prettiest pussy in the world was won by Englishwoman Nell (27 years old, from London), her smooth shaved pussy convinced the more than 130,000 readers who were able to vote for their favourite from the numerous photos. Thousands of women from all over the world took part in the vote and uploaded the sharpest and craziest pictures.

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English woman wins Miss Vagina election just before Jenny from Bavaria and becomes the most beautiful pussy in the world

Die verrückte Wahl zur Miss Vagina 2015: die schönste muschi der weltThe prize money was impressive: 5,000 US dollars and a luxury holiday in Hollywood’s dream factory Los Angeles was won by the winner. On the places two and three, US$ 2,500 and US$ 1,250 respectively were still waiting for the world’s most delicious pussies. The most beautiful vagina in the world stood for election.

You had to upload a hot photo of her naked vagina with first name [of the participant, not the vagina ;-)], age and place of residence. Many women followed this call and did not want to miss the chance to win and cash the big check or get the plane ticket to L.A. in California. And who knows, maybe they show her pussy there at Malibu Beach to the fancy lifeguards?

The most beautiful pussy in the world, the most beautiful pussy of all time has been sought. And of course found. And who is she now, the most beautiful pussy in the world?

Frau mit der geilsten Möse sehen

Everything was there, every shape and size: the most beautiful pussy in the world was voted Miss Vagina

10 points were to be awarded. The British rider Nell won with 7.7 points ahead of 23-year-old Jenny from Bavaria and Anita (20) from Hungary. Nell may now officially call herself Miss vagina. She has the most beautiful pussy in the world.

All imaginable shapes, colours and sizes were represented: small and large labia, properly protruding lobes, delicate skin, ivory-coloured mons pubis, beautifully shaped vulva, juicy cunts, prominent clitoris, shaved and unshaved, wet and dry. The most beautiful pussy in the world!

According to which standards the miss-election (Vagina Contest) the jury applied the criteria, they unfortunately did not disclose. Whether behind the sent photos also the cunt of one or the other
porn starlet
hidden, remained in the dark, the initiators of the Miss election did not want to give us an answer to the official request of the Eronite editors. We are excited about the next Miss Vagina!

Seats one through 15:

Pussy sex toy with 3D printer

Brian Sloan, who was responsible for the Miss Vagina contest, is said to have brought the Miss Vagina contest into the world not just for fun. In fact he wants to develop a sex toy. Of course the model should be the most beautiful pussy in the world. This is to be achieved with the aid of a 3-D scanner. Supposedly the toy is even supposed to go into serial production.

Is there really one?

It also remains questionable whether competition really reflects the tastes of the general public. If one looks at the three main winners, one gets the impression that a pussy with relatively small inner lips of Venus was specifically sought. We know from the comments of our readers that not everyone prefers this. Moreover, the winners all seem to be fair-skinned.

Since Miss Vagina was chosen by readers, no fixed criteria can be assumed. The voting result must be accepted without discussion. But as much as we are happy about the most beautiful pussy in the world, we would have been even more happy about a little more variety. Who knows maybe in the future there will be a miss-vagina-option with categories.

Officially the British Nel has the most beautiful pussy in the world. But we are sure that many men and women have their very own favourite. How about the wife’s pussy, for example? The Miss Vagina contest was certainly entertaining for everyone involved. Which exhibitionistically inclined woman would not like to win 5.000 EUR with a photo. And the judging readers certainly had fun, too.

How about an election for Mr. Penis?

There seems to have been no election for Mr. Penis yet. Of course, beauty contests are especially common for women. But what’s to be said against it. Beautiful penis would certainly meet with interest as well. And why not let a 3D scanner recreate the perfect penis?

Why would women want to participate in a “Miss Vagina” pageant?

A “shaming pageant” is a derogatory term often used to describe beauty contests and similar events that reduce and objectify women to their appearance. Such pageants can have negative effects on women’s self-esteem and perceptions by promoting unrealistic beauty standards and reducing women to their appearance.

However, there are also women who voluntarily participate in beauty contests to boost their self-esteem and stage presence. It is important for each woman to decide for herself whether or not to participate in such contests. However, when women do participate, it should be ensured that they are not objectified and that their personalities, skills and experiences are valued as much as their appearance.

Women participate in pageants for a variety of reasons. Some women want to improve their stage presence, showcase their beauty and talent, gain self-confidence, or pursue career opportunities in the fashion, film, or entertainment industries. However, there are also women who are pressured to participate in beauty pageants for cultural or social reasons.

The history of beauty pageants dates back to the late 1800s in Europe and North America, where they were held as part of festivals and exhibitions. Later, they became stand-alone events that quickly spread around the world. The first modern beauty pageant was held in Atlantic City, New Jersey in 1921 and was called “Miss America.” Since then, different types of beauty pageants have evolved, including Miss Universe, Miss World, and Miss Earth.

To enter beauty pageants, contestants usually have to meet certain requirements, such as a minimum age, height, nationality, or appearance. Often, they must also demonstrate a talent or skill, such as singing, dancing, or speaking a foreign language.

The chances of winning in beauty pageants depend on various factors, such as the beauty, charisma, confidence, and personality of the contestant, as well as the preferences of the judges and the requirements of the competition. It is important to emphasize that beauty pageants should not be reduced to looks alone, and that women should not be reduced to looks alone. Beauty comes in many shapes and sizes and it is important that women are recognized for their personality, talent and abilities.

Are sexual pageants punishable by law in some countries?

Yes, sexual pageants are punishable by law in many countries. Such contests often involve sexual exploitation and discrimination against women, and in some cases can be considered a form of sexual harassment or even sexual violence.

In some countries, governments and legislatures have enacted specific laws prohibiting the conduct of sexual pageants. For example, in 2013, India passed a law prohibiting the conduct of beauty pageants in which women appear in skimpy clothing. Similar laws exist in other countries such as Nepal and Indonesia.

Is there sometimes cheating in pageants?

It is possible that cheating does occur in beauty pageants in some cases. Since pageants are often very subjective and judged by a panel of judges, biases, personal preferences and other factors can influence the results. There are also cases of bribery and other unethical practices that can affect the outcome of a contest.

To avoid abuse, beauty contests should be conducted transparently and fairly. The criteria and rules of the contest should be clearly defined, and the judging panel should consist of a diverse group of people who can judge independently and without bias. It is also important that contestants be judged on their abilities and potential, rather than on prejudice or other factors.

Some beauty pageants have also taken steps to prevent cheating, such as banning gifts and bribes or checking contestants’ documents and background information.

Are beauty queens allowed to publish nude pictures?

Whether beauty queens are allowed to publish nude pictures depends on a number of factors, such as the rules of the beauty pageant, the laws of the country in which they live, and the terms of their employment contract or public position.

In many countries, it is illegal to publish nude images without the consent of the person concerned, as this can be considered a violation of privacy and the right to image. It is also important to note that beauty pageants usually require contestants to adhere to certain ethical standards and rules of conduct in order to maintain their public position.

It is advisable that beauty queens are aware of what kind of images or information they are sharing online and what impact this could have on their public standing. It is also important that they abide by the pageant rules and regulations and act in a respectful and professional manner to maintain their position as a role model and representative.

What advice can be given to young girls?

For young girls who are thinking about entering beauty pageants, it is important to get thorough information and think through their decision well. It is also advisable to talk to parents, friends and other trusted people about their plans and goals to get their opinion and support.

It is also important for young girls to understand that beauty pageants are not the only or primary means of improving self-confidence, stage presence, or career opportunities. There are many other ways to showcase themselves, such as practicing sports, learning to play musical instruments, or engaging in social projects and activities.

If young girls choose to participate in beauty pageants, they should be careful not to be influenced by unrealistic beauty standards or negative stereotypes. It is important that they emphasize their personalities, abilities, and potential and do not view their appearance as the only or most important attribute.

Finally, young girls should understand that beauty pageants are not perfect and that there are pros and cons. It is important to do thorough research before making a decision and to make sure that they feel comfortable and respected.

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