Keep an open relationship: 6 golden rules

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Keep an open relationship: 6 golden rules
Keep an open relationship: 6 golden rules


Keeping an open relationship – this is what couples absolutely must pay attention to

Leading an open relationship – not always a simple matter. What sounds like a lot of freedom and variety at first, in reality requires a lot of trust and discipline – we have compiled 6 golden rules for an open relationship.

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A partnership that is no longer about monogamy – many people adopt this attitude as a lifestyle. If you decide to have an open relationship and want to do everything right, pay attention to the following points:

Eine offene Beziehung führen - darauf müssen Paare unbedingt achten1. take a leap of faith

Trust is at the top of the list for couples who have an open relationship. The problem: Not even couples who have been together for a long time and sincerely love each other always make it 100 percent. This is in the nature of man, from a biological point of view we expect dangers and prepare for them.

Fear and mistrust help us develop a healthy picture of reality and protect ourselves. This means that a leap of faith is the only way to have an (open) relationship – trusting your partner and trusting that everything will work out, even though there is no guarantee.

2. be open to other (sex) partners yourself

Those who choose the open partnership must be prepared for the fact that other people will play an important role in the life of their own partner. There is no room for jealousy here. An open relationship is often about being able to change sex partners – so it’s “just” about sex.

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It is important that those involved agree that physical variety is what is needed to satisfy their own needs.

3. have an open relationship – and always protect yourself during sex!

Changing sex partners can pose a risk to one’s health if safer sex is not practiced. When it comes to people you met spontaneously and don’t know, the danger is even greater. For this reason, protection is a priority. A condom should always be ready in your pocket when sexual intercourse might occur.

4. do not blame the partner

Leading open relationship – not for the faint of heart. Some people decide that they want to have an open relationship and end up not really coming to terms with their decision. They quickly realize that they are angry and distressed when their own partner flirts and has his fun with other people.

It is important that no accusations come at this point. These could put a strain on their own partnership. An open, calm and factual conversation can help to sort out the problem. When in doubt, couples decide against an open partnership.

5. lead open relationship and agree on clear rules

Having an open relationship also means that both partners must agree on the most important principles. For example, the following questions come up: Can I bring someone home with me? Do we need to tell each other about new acquaintances or do we prefer to keep it quiet?

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If you want to make sure that everything stays harmonious, agree on clear rules with your partner. This prevents misunderstandings and disappointments.

6. schedule quality time with the partner – have an open relationship

Very important: An open relationship only makes sense if one’s own partnership has priority and love is the main motive. For this reason, people in open relationships should always schedule time for themselves and their partner – there is no room for other (sex) partners here, the cell phone is put away and the time is yours alone.

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