Sex and BDSM: when lust becomes an addiction

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Sex and BDSM: when lust becomes an addiction
Sex and BDSM: when lust becomes an addiction


Sometimes lust becomes an addiction

Endless desire for sex and BDSM

For years, much of my life has revolved around sex and BDSM. Three times a week I visit the best BDSM studio in town, there I am regular customer. Even though I have a wife that I love. So why am I doing this? How did this lust become an addiction?

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Sex and BDSM: when lust becomes an addictionFascinated by sex and BDSM

I have been fascinated by BDSM for a long time. It’s that feeling of helplessness, of being at the mercy, that I love so much. My mistress sets the tone. If I obey, I will be rewarded. If I disobey, she punishes me with pain or humiliation. That excites me more than anything. I need that feeling. Only this dominance can satisfy me.

Why I don’t get that in my marriage

Unfortunately, my wife does not enjoy it at all. Sex for them means cuddling, kissing and romance. Sex and BDSM cannot be reconciled for her. But if I can’t get what I need at home, I guess I have no choice but to take it elsewhere. No one chooses their sexual proclivities, they just exist. Still, I love my wife, so she can never know about this.

Escape from everyday life

In my workplace, I am the boss. I’ll tell you what to do. After work, I especially look forward to a visit to the studio. There I can step into a different role and take the helm. I escape from everyday life for a few hours and relax. At best, I’d get cuddle sex at home. With my dominatrix I get sex and BDSM of the extra class.

But slowly the lust becomes an addiction

At some point, I can’t think of anything else. My head is all about sex and BDSM and those euphoric emotions. This feeling is addictive, I am sinking more and more into addiction. I never thought this “hobby” would take on such proportions.

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The visits to the studio become more frequent and the feelings more intense. Anyway, it can’t go on like this. I tried to just not go to her place anymore. I kept this up for five days, then the desire had me firmly in its grip again. So it has to work another way.

Combining tender sex and BDSM

I want to make “normal” sex palatable to me by combining sex and BDSM. So from now on, I won’t be going to my studio. Instead, I’m dating a prostitute who also has experience with harder practices. I’m excited because the lady seemed so sympathetic on the phone that a tingling sensation spreads through my stomach. I want to get to know her, want to finally have that experience of fusing sex and BDSM.

The big evening

Then the evening came when I was allowed to have a new and wonderful experience. I meet her in the hotel room full of anticipation. She is beautiful and turns my head on the spot. Slowly we undress, she cuffed me to the bed and began to pamper me to the hilt. No punishments, no beatings.

As I enter her, fireworks start in my head. I never thought sex and BDSM together would feel so great. After two hours the act is over, we lie cuddling in bed for a while. So I learned that sex and BDSM harmonize well. I haven’t met her for the last time.

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