First porn university in the world opened

By Mario Meyer
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
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Fortunately, we live in a time when people are much more open about their sexuality than they used to be. This can be seen, among other things, in the enormous increase in interest in pornographic films. However, more and more people don’t just want to watch porn, they want to shoot some themselves. For this reason, the first porn university in the world was founded a few days ago. But not on campus in Washington, D.C., but much further south.

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Niemand will verwackelte Amateurpornos sehen. In der Porno-Universität können die Porno-Studenten sogar den Sex vor der Kamera üben.Where is Porn University and what is taught there?

The Porn Academy opens its doors in the Colombian city of Medellín, which just a few years ago was known as the capital of drug lords. The negative image of the City is slowly but surely changing for the better. Porn University has workshops, conferences, and seminars for anyone interested in making porn. Students can practice and exchange ideas with each other. Porn is free for sale on campus at the Porn Academy. That is not a matter of course in Catholic Colombia.

Who is behind the porn academy?

Leading the somewhat different university is porn actress Alejandra Omana Ruiz (real name Amaranta Hank), who is very popular in her home country. She runs the sex university with actor Ramon Nomar. Amaranta has had an eventful life. She used to be a sports journalist. Because of a lost bet, the attractive, fun-loving Latina had herself photographed naked for the international magazine SOHO.

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Later, she embarked on a career as a porn star. She became internationally famous when she attempted suicide because of a positive diagnosis for HIV. Fortunately, this failed because the diagnosis later turned out to be wrong.

Niemand will verwackelte Amateurpornos sehen. In der Porno-Universität können die Porno-Studenten sogar den Sex vor der Kamera üben.What Moved Amaranta to Create Porn University?

The enormous interest of the people in this subject made Amaranta sit up and take notice. While many would like to shoot porn, they lack the necessary technical skills. This means such things as lighting, sound, camera work or direction. People do watch more porn than they used to, but at the same time they have become more demanding. No one wants to see dark, blurry amateur porn with almost nothing on it anymore. How to do it right is shown by the lecturers of the Porn University. There, the porn students can also practice having sex on camera. It’s very different from private sex. At the Porn University in Medellín, they have the opportunity to practice.

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