9 men reveal why they like to wear high heels

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
9 men reveal why they like to wear high heels
9 men reveal why they like to wear high heels


Seeing men wear high heels is unusual

When men wear high heels, that is, high heels, it provides an upbeat gait, they are sexy and can keep fit. This should not be withheld from the world of men.

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Whether stilettos, wedges or block heels – the fashion industry, but also society has long assigned high heels only to women. After all, they belonged to the female weapons, so to speak. The question of “why” is always justified, high heels were historically actually an invention for the real guy. And besides, you’d think that nowadays everyone can really decide on their own outfit. These 9 Reddit users want to break the gender stereotype and reveal why men should wear high heels too.

High heels: not only for women

In today’s society, fashion is increasingly seen as an expression of personality. Traditional role models and gender stereotypes are dissolving more and more. Men experiment with different styles and garments to find their individual look.

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It’s about time that men also have the option to wear high heels as part of their outfits. The 9 men who revealed their reasons on Reddit make it clear that high heels shouldn’t be the exclusive preserve of women.

The aesthetic aspect

Some men state that they simply find high heels beautiful and like to wear them because they make them look more attractive. For them, aesthetics play a major role. A 24-year-old Reddit user explains, “I just like the way they look, and the fact that it also makes me look taller is really helpful because otherwise I’m a dwarf.” Individual preference for the look of high heels is a legitimate reason to wear them even as a man.

9 men reveal why they like to wear high heels

Dance and fun

Another aspect mentioned by Reddit users is the fun factor of dancing. A man who dances hip-hop discovered the joy of dancing on high heels: “I’ve been dancing hip-hop for almost 15 years, at some point I got bored with it and just tried dancing on heels. Guys, I’m telling you, it’s just so much more fun – try it out!” Here it is clear that high heels provide an opportunity to expand dance style and experience new things.

Health advantages

A surprising reason that some men give is the positive impact of high heels on their back problems. One Reddit user explains, “As a man, I love my 7cm heels. I’ve been much more confident and content since I started wearing them. Somehow I also feel like they alleviate my back problems.” This statement illustrates that high heels can not only be a fashion statement, but can also provide health benefits.

Social barriers and the desire for diversity

The mentioned reasons of Reddit users show that men want to wear high heels to express their individual style and emphasize their personality. But despite these positive approaches, there are still social barriers and prejudices that make it difficult to accept such fashion trends. As one Reddit user notes, “It’s so great that high heels score in so many ways. I just wish the shoe industry would make more for men. It’s just going to take a while it seems.” It is clear here that the fashion industry is still lagging behind and should create more offerings for men to achieve wider acceptance and normalization.

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Another important point raised by Reddit users is the adoption of clothing items from women’s fashion. There are many items of clothing that can look good on both men and women, but are still assigned to the traditional role model. As one Reddit user sums it up, “Way too many garments that look just as hot on men (if not hotter) have been ‘claimed’ by women’s fashion, and people are too afraid to bring them back to men – super sad.” This desire for an expanded selection of fashion options for men reflects a need for diversity and individuality.

The positive aspects of wearing high heels

The above reasons of men wearing high heels are diverse and individual. For example, one Reddit user emphasizes how nicely the toe is accentuated and wishes for even higher heels for men.

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Another mentions that high heels help calf muscles look more defined and make a man’s leg look more attractive. Another Reddit user states that he finds the sound of the heels pleasant while walking. And not to forget: High heels can accentuate the butt and make for a “nicer ass,” as one Reddit user humorously puts it.


It’s time to overcome the rigid gender stereotypes about fashion and give everyone the freedom to wear what makes them happy and confident. The 9 men who reveal their reasons for why they like to wear high heels show that there are many different motivations. Whether it’s for aesthetic reasons, dancing, supporting health, or counteracting societal norms, men have the right to express their personality through fashion and feel comfortable in their clothes.

The fashion industry should therefore be more open to diverse fashion trends and support men in their desire for diversity and individuality. Seeing men wear high heels should no longer be surprising or unusual. Rather, it should be seen as a sign of progress and acceptance. By wearing high heels, men can transcend gender boundaries and promote an inclusive society where everyone has the right to express themselves freely.

Source: County newspaper

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