Why 40 percent of women have never had a real orgasm

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Why 40 percent of women have never had a real orgasm
Why 40 percent of women have never had a real orgasm


A frightening reality

It’s a frightening reality that, according to one study, about 40 percent of women have never had a real orgasm. This statistic is shocking and calls for a serious discussion about women’s sexual health and satisfaction.

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What does “real orgasm” actually mean? A true orgasm is a physical and mental state that results from sexual stimulation and induces a strong feeling of satisfaction and relaxation. This article explores the reasons why so many women have never had a real orgasm and what can be done to address this problem.

The taboo of sexuality with real orgasm

One of the reasons why so many women have never had a real orgasm is that sexuality is taboo. Women are often discouraged from talking about their sexual desires and needs. The topic of sexuality is still considered taboo in many societies, especially for women.

Why 40 percent of women have never had a real orgasm

Many women feel uncomfortable talking about their sexual experiences or problems, which can lead them to neglect their sexual health.

Lack of education

Another factor that can contribute to women not having a real orgasm is a lack of education. In many schools, sex education is treated only superficially and often refers only to biological aspects. However, there is little to no information about sexual pleasure, arousal, and how to achieve orgasm.

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Many women simply don’t have enough knowledge about how their bodies work and how to feel sexual pleasure to experience a real orgasm.

Lack of communication with the partner

Another reason for the lack of a real orgasm in women is the lack of communication with their partner. Many women feel uncomfortable talking about their sexual needs and desires and believe that their partner should intuitively know what they like.

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This may result in insufficient sexual stimulation to achieve orgasm. It is important for women to communicate openly and honestly with their partners to express their sexual desires and needs and to facilitate a positive sexual experience.


Overall, the fact that 40 percent of women have never had a real orgasm is a troubling problem. The taboo of sexuality, lack of education and lack of communication with the partner are some of the factors that can contribute to this. It is important that this issue is taken seriously and that society as a whole works to help women improve their sexual health and satisfaction. Here are some steps women can take to achieve a real orgasm:

  • Talk to your partner about your sexual needs and desires. Open and honest communication is key to a fulfilling sexual experience.
  • Experiment with different types of sexual stimulation. Every body is different and it may take you some time to find what works best for you.
  • Familiarize yourself with your own body. Masturbation is a great way to find out what excites you sexually and what doesn’t.
  • Seek professional help if you have difficulty reaching orgasm. A sex therapist or gynecologist can help you identify the cause of the problem and offer solutions.

Overall, society as a whole needs to work to overcome the taboo surrounding sexuality and help women improve their sexual health and satisfaction. Women should be encouraged to talk about their sexual needs and desires, and there should be better education about how the female body works and how to feel sexual pleasure.

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