Vibrating bells made of pressed pubic hair – for real?

By Mario Meyer
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Vibrating bells made of pressed pubic hair - for real?
Vibrating bells made of pressed pubic hair - for real?


New fetish satisfies both the urge to collect and tinker

Who as a child did not collect leaves outside and later dry-pressed in a book? What we were happy then every autumn about the colorful leaves. Even if no one really knew what to do with it. But this hobby from days gone by can be wonderfully transferred to the present day: only the things that are pressed change. For example, pressed pubic hair.

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Pressed pubic hair is all the rage

Read correctly. This is becoming more and more popular among erotic lovers and collectors! A woman’s pubic hair can also be wonderfully pressed and preserved for eternity. Who does not know this? After a hot night, you ask the lady to keep the bra as a trophy. The person addressed taps her finger against her forehead and refers to the expensive purchase cost of the garment. But pubic hair is free and grows in abundance. A quick pluck with tweezers, and you can start a collection of a special kind.

Sexy pubic hair stars

Wife, girlfriend, life partner, they all find a place on a single page of the book. Right next to the hot affair from last week and the prostitute from last night. The hunt for trophies has begun and will soon infect the environment as soon as it is confronted. If you can present in your collection not only black, but also red and blonde pubes, you will become the king of your buddies.

Vibrating bells made from pressed pubic hair - for real?

Pressed pubic hair hardly takes up space. Thus, the collection can be quickly hidden at any time, if a visit from relatives or the like. Of course, it can be brought out just as quickly when you want to look at it and revel in horny memories.

Do it yourself – there are no limits to the crafting instinct

If you are at least a little talented in crafts, you will quickly find out what the pressed pubic hair can be good for everything. Since pubic hair is a very intimate thing, it is natural to produce things for your own sex life with it. Idea: vibrating bells. So why not dip a weighted tablecloth from the hardware store in glue and cover it with pubic hair. Now you not only have a great weight for nipple clamps, but you can also devote yourself to tickle torture right away.

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Isn’t that just too awesome? The woman is tickled with her own, respectively foreign pubic hair where herself would never reach. With these or other toys covered with pubic hair, the bed companion can be spoiled. Of course, there are no limits to the imagination at this point. No can do, no can do. To borrow the advertising slogan of a well-known Bauhaus at this point.

Is there a new fetish on the way?

I’m into pressed pubic hair. This sentence has been heard rather rarely so far. But consider the gap in the market. How many pubic hairs has such a dominatrix? Now, if she sells each one to her slaves for a profit, what will be left at the end of the day? A bill of which every moneydomme and money mistress should get wet dreams. Well, whether the slaves will play along with something like this remains to be seen.

But the train of thought is interesting in any case. Not so long ago, selling worn panties was unimaginable. Now something like this is part of the standard program of every online girl. So why not sell your own pressed pubic hair to the man.

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