Unrequited love: how to deal with it

By Daniel Kemper
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Unrequited love: how to deal with it
Unrequited love: how to deal with it

Love is a beautiful thing

… but sometimes it can happen that you fall in love and the feelings are not returned. Unrequited love can be painful and raise many questions. How do you deal with it and how do you find a love that is also reciprocated? In this guide, we highlight all aspects of unrequited love and give tips on how to deal with it.

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What is unrequited love?

Unrequited love is when you have strong feelings for a person, but the feelings are not reciprocated. It can be a one-sided love where only one person has feelings, or it can happen that both people like each other but cannot get together for various reasons. Unrequited love can be very painful and often leads to feeling unhappy and lonely.

Unrequited love: how to deal with it

Why does unrequited love happen?

There are many reasons why unrequited love can happen. Sometimes it can be because the other person is simply not interested in a relationship or is already in one. Other reasons may be that the chemistry between the two people is not right or that the expectations and desires of the two people do not match.

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What is the best way to deal with unrequited love?

Unrequited love can be very painful, but there are ways to deal with it:

  1. Accept the situation: It is important to accept the situation and understand that you cannot control the other person’s feelings. It’s normal to be disappointed and sad, but you shouldn’t let it overwhelm you.
  2. Avoid contact: If unrequited love is too painful, it may be helpful to reduce or avoid contact with the other person altogether. It is important to take care of yourself and not put yourself in situations that stress you out emotionally.
  3. Seek support: It may be helpful to talk about feelings with friends or a trusted person. A neutral person can give a different perspective on the situation and help process the feelings.
  4. Deal with yourself: When you’re unhappy in love, it can be helpful to focus on yourself. Use the time to pursue your hobbies and interests, educate yourself, or make new friends.

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How to find a reciprocated love?

Finding reciprocated love can be difficult, but there are a few tips that can help:

  • Be open: It is important to be open to new experiences and relationships. Try to meet new people and get involved in dating.
  • Know your needs and wants: It is important to understand what you are looking for in a relationship and what your needs are. When you know your own needs, you can look more specifically for a partner who can meet those needs.
  • Be yourself: It is important not to pretend to please someone. Having to pretend to fit a certain idea of a partner can lead to an unhealthy relationship. Be yourself and look for someone who accepts you for who you are.
  • Use modern technologies: Nowadays, there are many online dating platforms and apps that make it easier to meet new people. Use these opportunities to meet new people and set up dates.

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Trust your gut: When looking for a reciprocated love, it’s important to trust your gut. If you feel that a person is not right for you, you should not force yourself to enter into a relationship.

Examples of healthy love

A healthy love is characterized by mutual respect, trust, openness and empathy. Here are some examples of what healthy love can look like:

  1. Mutual respect: In a healthy relationship, there is respect on both sides. One respects the opinions, wishes and needs of the partner and expects the same back.
  2. Open communication: A healthy relationship is based on open and honest communication. You share your thoughts and feelings with your partner and listen carefully when your partner does the same.
  3. Trust: Trust is an important component of a healthy relationship. One trusts that the partner is honest and faithful and respects their privacy.
  4. Empathy: In a healthy relationship, you show empathy for your partner and their feelings. You try to understand his needs and desires and support him in his goals and dreams.


Unrequited love can be painful, but there are ways to deal with it. It is important to accept the situation and take care of yourself. When looking for a reciprocated love, it is important to be open, know your needs and not pretend. A healthy love is based on respect, openness, trust and empathy.

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