Turning lips inward during blowjob is not nice for men

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Turning lips inward during blowjob is not nice for men
Turning lips inward during blowjob is not nice for men

An absolute no-go during blowjob

There should hardly be a man who does not like it when his partner spoils him with her mouth. Especially as foreplay, such a blowjob is ideal, because to do this his best piece does not need to be stiff and still feel pleasure. So it can slowly grow in her mouth. However, men don’t like it at all when women turn their lips inside out while blowing.

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Why shouldn’t women turn their lips inward when blowing?

Turning lips inward during blowjob is not nice for menQuite simply: because they do not cause their partner pleasure, but pain. If the lips are turned inwards during the blowjob, this exposes the teeth. The penis of the man, especially the glans, are extremely sensitive. A touch with the teeth, however gentle it may seem, is always perceived as painful, or at least unpleasant.

If the woman nibbles on his earlobe or nipples, she can quietly turn her lips inside out, but during a blowjob this is an absolute no-go.

Apart from the pain, a mouth full of teeth doesn’t look very erotic either. Instead of turning your lips inward, it’s better if your partner turns her lips outward and puts them over her teeth like a protective cushion.

Straight to the blowjob queen

Such a pair of full lips also looks very sexy, especially if the lips are made up striking red. This makes them reminiscent of the red inner labia, which are filled to the brim with blood from lust. This stimulates the imagination of men.

So what does a good blowjob look like?

By now it is well known why you should not turn your lips inwards. Showing teeth while blowing is not sexy and hurts. A good blowjob starts slowly. Experienced women don’t just pounce on their partner’s best piece as if they were starved. They take things slowly, kissing their beloved intimately. First on the mouth, then on the neck, then maybe a little nibble on the nipples and slowly work her way down the body until she arrives at his little friend.

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When blowing, the use of the hand is also permitted. She can take his foreskin between two fingers and move it rhythmically up and down. This stimulates the desire of most men. When the glans is exposed, her tongue plays over it again and again, also over his frenulum. After a short time he will literally beg to suck his cock.

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But that would be exactly wrong! The terms blowjob or blowjob for fellatio are misleading. She doesn’t need to suck, but to suck to satisfy her partner. Do not turn the lips inward, but place them outward over the teeth to form an elastic ring around the shaft of the penis. Then suck out the air while stroking the glans with the tongue and moving the foreskin up and down with the lips. This brings him to the seventh heaven of pleasure.

What else matters when blowing

Hygiene plays an important role in such close physical contact. This is true for both man and woman. The woman should brush her teeth beforehand or at least rinse her mouth with clear water. For her beloved, it is a matter of course to wash his penis thoroughly and pay special attention to the fact that no remains of smegma in the coronal groove.

The couple should also agree in advance how far the blowjob should go. Can he cum in her mouth or not? Is she ready to swallow his sperm? If the woman does not want that, he has to respect that. If things don’t work out so well at first, you shouldn’t give up right away. Also for a good blowjob applies that practice makes perfect.

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