5 tricks how to keep the infidelity secret

By Marco Dorada
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
5 tricks how to keep the fling secret
5 tricks how to keep the infidelity secret


Good planning is everything in a fling

Love undercover – secret love affairs

No one puts it on, but it can happen to anyone – a fling. Morally, the big question is whether or not the person should confess it. Before this question is asked, it is first to keep the tingling and sizzling sex adventure secret. But what tricks do unfaithful partners resort to? Wolfgang Herkert, CEO of the online dating portal lovepoint.de and expert for sex and partnerships, knows them and explains why a fling can also be good for a relationship.

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5 tricks how to keep the infidelity secretNo evidence, no crime?

Classics are the hickey on the neck or the foreign perfume on the body. But in addition to this very obvious evidence, there is also smaller evidence that quickly leads to the discovery of an affair. For example, text messages on your cell phone or an unknown phone number that shows up in your call log often or on certain days. “This is very frivolous despite the tingling experience of sex.

Dating portals such as Lovepoint.co.uk allow communication here without having to exchange private data. Of course, this is not only safer for flings, but also for singles who are looking for casual erotic adventures,” explains Wolfgang Herkert and adds: “This way, everyone only reveals as much of themselves as they want, and everyone knows what they’re getting into.”

Carelessly made fast – pay with plastic

Whether it’s the hotel bill, champagne and condoms or the dinner that suddenly costs a bit more than the bills allow: out of habit, you quickly reach for the EC or credit card – but be careful. This trail is visible for a long time and reveals not only what was paid, but also where and when. Here, conclusions can be drawn quickly by the partner and unpleasant questions arise.

Planning is everything

If you plan well for a fling, you avoid mistakes. This includes, for example, informing people well in advance about an appointment and a few additional facts: who you will meet at the meeting and what the topic is. “Staying close to the truth will help in the case of a fling so you don’t get caught unawares in contradictions,” Herkert says.

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By the way, an absolute failure of planning in any case is a meeting with the affair at home. Far too intimate and the risk of being caught in flagrante delicto too great. If you’re going to cheat, you should have money left over for a hotel room.

Don’t get too personal

Even if there is that one guy or girl in your circle of friends with whom a sexual adventure in dreams has already happened, the rule here is – hands off. This kind of thing always leads to problems and inevitably affects the entire circle of friends. In very few cases is it worth the hassle. This includes the mistake of giving his affair a pet name. This can slip out in the wrong moment with the partner fast once. If you are looking for a fling in an uncomplicated way, without going out and without unnecessary flattery, you can arrange to meet like-minded people online.

Everyday life remains everyday life – or does it?

Either it is the bad conscience or the intoxication of the eroticism that is experienced: Many cheaters make the mistake of changing something in the committed relationship in the case of a fling. For example, particularly attentive gestures or small gifts that did not exist before, or new sexual practices that the partner is strangely extremely confident in. “Here, however, you also have to question yourself. If you also want to experience these things with your steady partner, it may be that you rather cheat on yourself at this moment, because you do not dare to talk about cravings, fetishes or fantasies with your partner”, Wolfgang Herkert knows to report.

“We have already experienced that flings that were discovered did not lead to a breakup, but to a registration of the betrayed partner on lovepoint.de. By mutual agreement, the two then used casual dating to live out the erotic desires that the other did not want to practice so much – and still stayed together because they loved each other.”

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