Travelogue: My erotic vacation as a single was so beautiful

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Travelogue: My erotic vacation as a single was so beautiful
Travelogue: My erotic vacation as a single was so beautiful

This is how my erotic vacation as a single went

When I plan an erotic vacation as a single, I look for a place where as many people as possible come together. Lonely mountain huts are less suitable for a hot vacation with lots of sex. I love to visit Mallorca. The island in the Mediterranean Sea has several advantages. The most important advantage for me is the party atmosphere that prevails here. Many women feel like going on an adventure.

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If you want to spend an erotic vacation as a couple, secluded beaches are more suitable. In addition, the island is rich in attractions. In the following blog post I describe some highlights from my last vacation as a single in Mallorca

My first evening at the bar

My plane took off from Munich in the afternoon and I was at Palma airport around 7pm. The shuttle bus took me to my hotel. It was too late for extensive sightseeing. So I went to the bar and looked around a bit. Some tourists apparently spent an erotic vacation as a couple. Close to me stood a lady who was probably five or ten years older than me, but I didn’t mind. I smiled at her, she smiled back, which I took as an invitation to join her. It turned out that she was from Hamburg.

Travelogue: My erotic vacation as a single was so beautiful

So I had to adjust my Bavarian pronunciation. After a short time it was clear to me that she also spent an erotic vacation as a single. I have never been a friend of long words and so we went to my room together. We undressed each other. The sex was unspectacular. After a blowjob we made love first in the riding position and then in the missionary position. The night was beautiful, but still we decided that we would not spend the vacation together. This suited me very well, because I was in the mood for more sexual adventures.

Sex in threesome in rental car

Those who book an erotic vacation as a couple often rent a rental car. This is also a good idea for me as a single person. A rented vehicle makes me independent and besides, it has other advantages, as you will see in a moment. My first destination was the cathedral of Palma. An impressive building, for which I took a good hour.

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When I finally got back outside, I sat down on the stone steps and had a snack. Next to me sat two middle-aged vacationers who probably spent an erotic vacation as a couple, because they held each other close and kissed. They spoke German and so we got into conversation. As I suspected, they were spending an erotic vacation as a couple, but were open to other activities as well. It was the man who made the proposal for a threesome.

I didn’t feel like spending my time in a room yet again, so I suggested that we could repurpose my spacious rental vehicle.
The man, his name was Kurt, knew a quiet place. We had to move the front seats all the way forward to make room. I’ve been on erotic vacations as a single person more often, but I haven’t had sex in a threesome yet, and certainly not in a vehicle.

Sex on the beach

Whether you go on an erotic vacation as a couple or as a single, one or more days on the beach are definitely part of it. Sex on the beach is not necessarily common, because after all, most beaches in Mallorca are very busy. I was out early on a hot day, yet the good seats were already taken. A little to the side, a young woman lay alone on her blanket. There was no friend or partner to be seen. Without further ado, I approached her and asked if I could share her blanket.

Travelogue: My erotic vacation as a single was so beautiful

However, the woman spoke only Spanish and a little English. However, my and her English skills were enough to make me understand that she had no objection to companionship. Already after five minutes we began to kiss. My hands gently massage her breasts. We nestled close together. My best piece no longer wanted to be squeezed into the swim trunks. So I pulled them down a little and gave him more space.

She began to massage my penis. For an erotic vacation as a single, however, that was too little. Therefore, I pulled her panties down a little and penetrated her. On a sex vacation as a couple, you don’t usually take such a risk, because if we had been caught doing it, we would certainly have ended up at the police station.

My night at the Ballermann

On an erotic vacation as a couple or as a single, a visit to Ballermann should not be missed. However, I am not one of those tourists who spend the whole vacation there. I prefer women who are sober and still know exactly what they are doing. Accordingly, my visit to El Arenal was not very exciting. I got to see a lot of naked facts, but I didn’t have sex that night.

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The ladies danced on the tables and at least dropped the top. The later the evening got, the more permissive he became. Sex would have been possible this evening, however, too much alcohol always robs me a little bit of the mood. Finally, I went home alone.

Is an erotic vacation as a single in Mallorca worthwhile?

I am single and I stand by it. I almost always vacation alone, but very rarely have to actually fall asleep alone. If you are planning an erotic vacation as a couple or single, you should shortlist Mallorca. There are many female tourists on the island who want to have an exciting adventure. Most don’t want to commit to anything longer, so you can end most relationships quickly.

An erotic vacation as a couple has the advantage that you do not have to look for a sex partner, unless you feel like having sex in threesomes or foursomes.

In my opinion, a sex vacation in Mallorca is definitely worth it. I had a lot of fun and the described experiences represent only a small part of my adventures.

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