Seduce instead of manipulate: why Pick Up doesn’t work

By Carlos Galvez Otoño
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Seduce instead of manipulate: why Pick Up doesn’t work
Seduce instead of manipulate: why Pick Up doesn't work

Why Pick Up Doesn’t Work: Seduction also works without manipulation

Every man wants women to be at his feet. Many think that you have to be manipulative to get women around. This supposedly simple path to the goal seems tempting to many. Here, a completely different rule applies: seduce instead of manipulate. Because many men know from their own experience that pick up does not work. Women want men who are so self-confident that they don’t even need manipulation.

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Pick up can be expensive

One point that clearly underpins that Pick Up doesn’t work is the cost trap behind it. If a man wants to appear richer and more impressive than he really is, he sometimes has to dig deep into his wallet. Just telling a woman that you can buy her anything imaginable is not enough. You have to let actions speak. Thus, many men (especially sugardaddies) spend large sums on drinks and gifts to simulate a bulging wallet.

Seduce instead of manipulate: why Pick Up doesn't work

In the process, many spend significantly more in a single evening than they can really afford. And that’s just to impress a lady for a short time. At the same time, it is not even guaranteed that you can really get them around with it. Nevertheless, many men try this way. This does not have to be. Since pick up doesn’t work, it’s better to be honest and not get into expenses. Seducing instead of manipulating is clearly more useful. So women do not expect more than you have to offer. And without lies, there is no disappointment.

Manipulation is exhausting

Anyone who has ever tried it knows exactly that manipulation is exhausting. At the latest when you are exhausted from lying you realize that Pick Up doesn’t work. Therefore, it is always necessary to seduce instead of manipulate. A lie must be constantly maintained. If it is uncovered, stress is inevitable.

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The fact that you don’t get far with pick up is also due to the fact that many men completely wear themselves out by constantly deceiving and lying. Because lying is exhausting in the long run and causes far greater difficulties than simply telling the truth and standing by oneself. Who wants to spend the rest of their life avoiding angry women they’ve lied to and cheated on in the past? This causes unnecessary stress.

Moreover, word of such a bad reputation spreads quickly and other women also begin to avoid such a cheater. So it really shows clearly that Pick Up doesn’t work. In fact, it turns into the opposite in this case. What man wants women to specifically avoid him?

Lies harm your own ego

Seduce instead of manipulate: why Pick Up doesn't workPerhaps the main reason why Pick Up doesn’t work is that lies and manipulation damage one’s ego. Once you realize how it feels to be admired and desired for something you didn’t even accomplish, you will quickly change. Fame built on tall tales often accomplishes the opposite of what was originally intended. It only makes you feel smaller and more worthless. Seducing instead of manipulating immediately appears more appealing for this reason alone. A man who has noticed that women also desire him for his genuine qualities will quickly confirm that the pick up method does not work.

True affirmation only comes when you can be sure that your accomplishments are impressive to women and you can score points with a strong character. Thus, one’s own ego is strengthened and women are enraptured even without lies and deception. For this reason alone, every man should really discover seduction instead of manipulation for himself and forget about deceptive pick up methods. A strong man does not need such a thing.

The dream girl is not fooled

It gets really serious when you actually only want to get women, but you meet the absolute dream woman. Seduce instead of manipulate then takes on a whole new meaning. If you win a woman by pretending false facts, the disappointment later is pre-programmed.

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This may not mean much if you haven’t developed a particularly close emotional bond with this woman, but what if more comes of the affair? If you accidentally find your dream girl through Pick Up, you would like to take back all the lies. Because then it is too late and if the deception is exposed, the dream woman will also withdraw.

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After all, she wants to be with a real man and not be fooled. If you renounce any kind of deception and manipulation from the very beginning, you can be sure that women are interested in your own character and not only in lying. Seducing instead of manipulating then proves to be particularly effective.

So which method should you choose?

You can clearly see that seducing instead of manipulating is the only right choice. A good seducer is what he claims to be. He doesn’t have to fake anything because he knows his value to women. Genuine self-confidence and strength of character make dishonest pick up methods obsolete.

Women will throw themselves at a man who radiates sincerity and strength all by themselves. He doesn’t need to score points with lies and also saves himself a lot of trouble. Those who learn to seduce instead of manipulate benefit over men who only get their way through untruths and deception. In the long run, this approach is the only method that really pays off.

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