Private casting: Why not every applicant gets an individual casting

By Daniel Kemper
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Private casting: Why not every applicant gets an individual casting
Private casting: Why not every applicant gets an individual casting

For this reason, private casting usually remains a pipe dream

Who does not know the situation? One longs for erotic togetherness, but the suitable partner is missing or just not available. Now particularly imaginative people come up with the clever idea of inviting themselves to a porn casting. Quickly write an e-mail to the agency, specify desired girl and give permission to shoot in your own four walls. But then it’s not quite so easy to organize a private casting.

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Even if it is difficult to imagine

No, the porn industry has not been waiting for this one application for years. Even if it is the application of oneself. Apart from the porn casting of new porn stars, the agencies have other things in their schedule. It can happen that the invitation for a private casting of the new erotic star collides with already existing appointments. Since these business meetings are usually fixed by contract, they cannot be easily thrown overboard.

Private casting: Why not every applicant gets an individual casting

Even if you’re a totally crafty little guy yourself. Others had the idea for a private casting before. By the way, regular horniness and a certain fascination with the erotic industry are among the characteristics of many men. Even if it is a pity, you were not the first with this idea. So how to deal with the multitude of competitors? Should you actually invite them all to your place for a private casting? Afterwards, there are twenty naked men standing around a single woman in her own apartment. Who will clean the room again when so many men have left? Maybe you should meet in a more neutral place the first time. The studios that happen to have already been suggested by the agency as a filming location are suitable for this.

Initial hurdles

Imagine how the chosen one finally sits across from you on the couch. The camera is in position and already filming. And now? Should the action start right away, or would some incendiary dirty talk be in order now. And if so, how does something like that even work? Questions about questions that a director can clarify. That is, if he is on site. A private casting is sometimes supposed to take place without a crew.

Go directly to private casting

Left to their own devices, with no stage directions and no script, some men begin to improvise. The fact that something good does not always come out of this is in the nature of things. With all the improvisation, remember that the camera is already rolling.

A private casting with the favorite porn starlet?

Each of us has our favorites in the porn industry. Girls whose videos you watch over and over again. The reason for this is obvious. The girls seem nice, attractive and do all the things that the women from their own circle of acquaintances would never do. But there is a catch. The prettier and kinkier the girl, the greater the number of fans. Accordingly, many requests for a private casting land on the lady’s desk every day. Those who are spoiled for choice do not necessarily opt for the unknown newcomer. When shooting porn, you should have trust in the other performers. The girls like to fall back on already known shooting partners. Even though most girls regularly give newbies a chance.

Some of the more successful girls have now moved their main residence to warmer climes, such as Mallorca. The girls may be forgiven if they don’t hop on the next plane right away when a stranger applies. This behavior may seem a bit strange from a male point of view, but you have to accept it. I’m sure it has something to do with the fact that most of the girls haven’t completely discarded their good childhood habits.

Private casting at my home?

Admittedly, the idea seems tempting, but it is rather unrealistic. But if you propose a private casting in your own apartment, you forget that it’s not just the girl who shows up for an appointment. That’s when the director, cameraman, actors and maybe a few other people meet in their own four walls. Already it is over with the idea of a few hot, undisturbed hours with the lady of his choice. Not to mention the extra spotlights set up to illuminate every embarrassing detail in the best possible way. Also keep in mind that your own home is usually full of personal belongings. Are they really supposed to be used as decoration for a porno? Few viewers will pay attention to the background, but you should remove various photos and images from the camera area in advance.

Directly to the Actors Club

Not to mention, of course, the girls prefer to work in an environment they know. So, for example, in studios where they’ve been before, surrounded by a team of familiar people. A private casting at the male performer’s home is possible in principle, but the girl will insist on an escort. After all, from the point of view of the girl, the whole thing has the character of a blind date. Appropriate precautions are part of good manners.

What lasts long finally becomes good

After a couple of shoots together, things can start to look different. If you have extensively sniffed each other during the recordings and done completely different things with each other, it comes to continuations. Now the erotic adventures with the desired actress can be continued and the mutual trust can be developed. All in the spirit of a well-functioning business relationship, of course.

Because if you like it, a private casting is certainly a fine thing. When both actors feel comfortable, it also benefits the film. That is why it is usually a very good indication when the words “Private Casting” appear in the title of the film. This headline suggests not only a homey atmosphere. The title promises that the actors know each other well and will let loose in front of the camera accordingly. Porn movies about a private erotic casting are recommended through and through.

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