Licking prostitutes: This is what you have to watch out for!

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Licking prostitutes: This is what you have to watch out for!
Licking prostitutes: This is what you have to watch out for!

These are the things that must be considered

There are many places where men can buy sex. They are allowed to live out their sexual preferences and do not enter into any commitment. Many have a weakness for licking the prostitute. For the suitors it is a great satisfaction to spoil the lady with their tongues. Why is that and what is there to consider?

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What’s so horny about licking a prostitute?

Whores enable men to fulfill their sexual desires. Meanwhile, they are regularly confronted with weird preferences and fetishes. To adjust to the respective suitor, the ladies succeed very well in the oldest trade in the world. In addition to vaginal and anal intercourse, they offer a wide range of sexual satisfaction for the suitor.

Licking prostitutes: This is what you have to watch out for!

A coveted service on both sides is oral sex. The prostitute enjoys the pampering by the tongue of the man and usually also fulfills own sexual preferences with it. But where is the attraction for the suitor in licking the hooker? While there is no universal answer to this, some factors regularly play a role.

The suitor is one of many

A prostitute has regular contact with all kinds of men. This background is what spurs many johns to lick the whore. The idea that the lady had sex with countless men before them excites them in a special way. They enjoy licking body orifices of the whore, where numerous penises have already penetrated.

The hygiene of a prostitute

Some punters consider hookers to be decidedly well-groomed. They connect the fact that these ladies have sex as a profession with the fact that they wash more often. The pursuit of cleanliness is higher, which is why these johns like to take advantage of the offer to lick a prostitute.

Feel the horniness with your tongue

Feeling the prostitute getting hornier and wetter while licking turns many johns on incredibly. The beguiling scent of the vulva forms a mostly exciting plus. The gentlemen feel intensely with their tongues how the whore gets wetter and thus heat themselves up. Licking the prostitute thus becomes foreplay for vaginal or anal sex.

Licking every hooker is out of the question

For many johns, not all hookers are the same. They make a big difference between whores from the street, those from a posh brothel or well-groomed escorts. You associate their workplace with their cleanliness. These gentlemen would never lick hookers from the street promenade vaginally or anally. Amateur hookers, ladies from the brothel or tasteful escorts, on the other hand, like to spoil them with their tongues.

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Some do not find it horny at all to lick a prostitute
While it turns some johns on that the whore has had sex with numerous men, this point turns others off. Some of them feel disgust when they think about it. The fact that many penises have already been in the vagina prevents them from licking the hooker.

Bad oral sex experience

Negative experiences are part of life. Even the project of licking a prostitute can end with negative experiences. If the ladies in the intimate area do not smell good, it is not very attractive for the man. If an unpleasant smell rises to the nose, this becomes a lust killer and those johns have little interest in licking a whore in the future. Although the majority of prostitutes pay attention to good hygiene, there are always exceptions. Not every time licking a hooker becomes a tingling pleasure.

Does licking a prostitute pose health risks?

Venereal diseases have already put a spoke in the wheel of some clients. There is one piece of good news: the likelihood of catching sexually transmitted diseases from oral sex is lower than from traditional sex. Nevertheless, it is important to be careful, because some STDs can also be transmitted through oral sex.

HIV risk when licking a whore

The HIV virus damages the immune system and makes the body susceptible to disease. If left untreated, this can lead to AIDS. The good news is that infection via the oral mucosa is rather unlikely. During sexual intercourse, the virus is transmitted through the mucous membranes in the vagina and intestine.

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Open wounds are also dangerous. Oral sex reduces the risk of HIV transmission because the oral mucosa is extremely stable. Nevertheless, it is advisable to use a dental dam (leakage cloth)!

Licking the prostitute can transmit gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is easily transmitted, and that includes oral sex. The bacteria nest in the mucous membranes and are transmitted by smear infection. Especially bacteria in the oral cavity can lead to a transfer of the disease. Although condoms significantly reduce the risk of transmission, sex of any kind should be avoided during an illness.

Syphilis through oral sex

Syphilis is one of the easily transmissible diseases caused by bacteria. Timely treatment with antibiotics provides relief. If left untreated, it can cause serious health damage and even be life-threatening. Infected people should refrain from licking a hooker.

Chlamydia licking

Infections with chlamydia are among the most common STDs. These are bacteria that cause inflammation in the mucous membranes of the urethra, cervix and rectum. Transmission usually occurs through unprotected vaginal and anal intercourse.

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During oral sex, chlamydia can colonize the throat. The disease often occurs without symptoms, which is why the affected person does not always recognize an infection directly. However, if left untreated, it can have dire consequences, such as infertility.

The health comes first

The lower the risk of STDs, the more pleasure you get out of it. Licking cloths allow the john to lick a hooker without transmitting diseases. At the very least, the gauzy cloths significantly reduce the risk.

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They are available in different sizes, colors and flavors. The suitor puts the lick cloths on the vulva or the anus where they serve as a barrier during the tongue work. Although the attractive smell of the vagina is missing, both clients and prostitutes are protected from diseases during oral sex.

Lick a whore – Our conclusion

Oral sex with a prostitute remains a matter of taste. The incentives to lick a whore are many and vary from man to man. Just like the motives for not doing it. Licking a hooker can mean both positive and negative experiences for the john. Whatever preferences exist, protection comes first. Especially in the case of sex for sale, the man should not underestimate this point. With the right tools, oral sex will be a horny experience for both sides.

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