Interesting study: cola significantly increases testicle size

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Interesting study: cola significantly increases testicle size
Interesting study: cola significantly increases testicle size

Cola makes testicles grow in mice and testosterone levels rise

It has long been known that cola is a harmful drink. The high sugar content and the artificial flavors and colors it contains can lead to diabetes, obesity, tooth decay and other health problems. But now scientists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (USA) have discovered another potential danger of cola: it can enlarge the testicles of mice and increase testosterone levels.

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What does this mean for humans?

The study, published in the journal Reproductive Toxicology, examined the effect of cola on the reproductive organs of male mice. The researchers found that the mice fed cola had larger testes and higher testosterone levels than the mice in the control group that did not get cola. But what does that mean for humans?

Interesting study: cola significantly increases testicle size

Cola and testosterone – not satire

Testosterone is the male sex hormone responsible for the development of the reproductive organs, muscle mass and body hair. Low testosterone levels can lead to erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, muscle wasting and depression. Therefore, it is important that testosterone levels remain in the normal range.

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Cola contains caffeine and phosphoric acid, which can increase testosterone levels. Caffeine stimulates the release of adrenaline, which in turn stimulates the production of testosterone. Phosphoric acid can directly increase testosterone levels by stimulating kidney function, which is responsible for the production of testosterone.

Cola and testicular growth

But what about testicular growth? In the study, cola was found to stimulate the growth of Leydig cells in the testes of mice. These cells are responsible for the production of testosterone. So, a larger testicular volume may mean that more testosterone is produced.

Interesting study: cola significantly increases testicle size

However, it is unclear whether the results of the study can be applied to humans. The amount of cola the mice in the study received was equivalent to an amount a human would not drink. It is also unclear whether other factors, such as age, weight, or diet, influence the effects of cola on testosterone levels.

Cola and the health

Regardless of the effects on testosterone levels and testicular growth, there are numerous reasons to avoid cola. As mentioned above, it contains a lot of sugar and artificial additives that can lead to health problems.

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Cola can also lead to dehydration as it removes water from the body. Instead, it is recommended to drink water, tea or other natural drinks to keep the body hydrated.

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It is also important to consider the effects of cola on teeth. The high sugar content and acids in cola can lead to tooth decay and damage to teeth. Good oral hygiene, such as brushing and flossing regularly, can help minimize the effects of cola on teeth.


The study from the University of Alabama at Birmingham provides interesting insights into the effects of cola on testosterone levels and testicular growth in mice. However, it is unclear whether the results are transferable to humans and further studies are needed to investigate this.

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Regardless of the effects on testosterone levels and testicular growth, there are numerous reasons to avoid cola. Cola contains a lot of sugar and artificial additives that can lead to health problems, and it can cause dehydration and dental damage. It is recommended to drink water, tea or other natural beverages to keep the body hydrated and maintain good oral hygiene to minimize the effects of cola on the teeth.

Source: t-online

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