How Emma wraps the handyman Darko around her finger

By Julia Moreno
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
How Emma wraps the handyman Darko around her finger
How Emma wraps the handyman Darko around her finger

From shower problem to hot reward

An erotic short story for women

Emma is in the shower and quickly realizes that something is wrong. She has had this problem before, but she has no idea how to solve it. What to do? The housemates are not there, she does not want to ask the janitor. Emma leaves the apartment and all day long asks anyone who crosses her path if they can help her out as a handyman. In vain.

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But then comes the relieving message from an acquaintance on Facebook: A friend of his is a plumber and could take a look at the problem. Emma is delighted and writes him back immediately.

How Emma craftsman Darko pleases

Darko, the plumber, has time and comes to Emma the same evening. He fixes the shower and Emma is relieved. She offers him a beer while he works, and they have a nice chat. Darko looks good and Emma is taken with him. After he finishes, however, he notes that he has to hurry to watch the soccer game at the bar with his friends. Emma asks him to stay with her and watch the game at her place. She coaxes him with her sweetest expression and Darko finally agrees.

How Emma wraps the handyman Darko around her finger

After the work is done, Emma offers him a beer and Darko sits down on the sofa to watch the soccer match. Meanwhile, Emma starts seducing Darko by kissing his cock and taking it in her mouth. Darko enjoys the attention and lets them. Finally Emma gives him a blowjob and swallows his cum.

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After Emma spoils Darko with her blowjob, the mood between the two is heated. Darko thanks Emma and says that he never got such a great blowjob before. Emma is satisfied and happy that she could give him pleasure.

There is a special chemistry between the two

Darko stays a little longer and they talk about God and the world. They laugh a lot and have a good time together. Emma senses that Darko likes her too and that there is a special chemistry between them. She is attracted to him and would like to see him again.

How Emma wraps the handyman Darko around her finger

When the soccer game is over, Darko gets up and says goodbye to Emma. He tells her that he enjoyed being with her and that he would like to help her with other problems. Emma thanks him and tells him she would like to stay in touch.

The next day, Emma sends a message to the handyman Darko, thanking him once again for his help. She asks him if he would like to do something with her on the weekend. Darko answers immediately and says that he would like to spend time with her.

The best things in life often happen unexpectedly

The two get together on the weekends and have a great time together. They go for a walk, eat together and spend the night together. Emma is happy and feels that in Darko she has found someone with whom she shares a special connection.

Over the next few weeks, Emma and Darko meet regularly and fall in love. They have an exciting and passionate relationship characterized by trust and respect.

Emma often thinks back to the moment she first met Darko. She never thought a broken shower would lead to such an exciting and fulfilling relationship. Sometimes the best things in life happen unexpectedly.

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