Exciting as never before: ORION Advent Calendar 2022

By Valérie Francès-Pecker
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Exciting as never before: ORION Advent Calendar 2022
Exciting as never before: ORION Advent Calendar 2022

The greatest toy pleasure ever

I just want to play… Sex toys are very trendy. In any case, according to a Forsa study
more and more German bedside drawers contain at least one pleasure machine. While the share was still 47% in 2017, it rose steadily to 51% by the end of last year.

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Every other day a toy

An exciting trend that ORION has of course also incorporated into the new Advent calendar – and so this year behind the Advent doors not only bestsellers for 5 x foreplay, 4 x stimulation and 3 x role play are waiting without exception, but even 12 sex toys.

Exciting as never before: ORION Advent Calendar 2022

A varied pleasure, where the price-performance ratio is right: Because a total merchandise value of 529 euros is matched here by a purchase price of 129 euros – while stocks last, of course!

An Advent season to (re)discover yourself

… Why are more and more Germans turning to toys? Mainly to revive their love life and provide more variety. At least 55% of all Forsa respondents said so.
stated. And that is precisely the reason why ORION is no longer relying on individual hero products from well-known brands this year for the first time, but is instead creating a festive mood with a wide-ranging selection of in-house pleasure makers in premium quality.

Because this is the only way to ensure that all Advent calendar fans really do go on an unforgettable voyage of discovery. No matter if they love straight or queer, are young or old, single or want to spice up their long-term relationship.

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And to make sure that this plan actually works, the ORION Advent Calendar 2022 this time contains only one classic toy, which at first glance is limited to a single possible use: a vibro-penis ring. With a little imagination, however, this can also be used as a lay-on vibrator for other pleasure zones. All other included toys and gadgets are multifunctional throughout and can be used regardless of gender.

For all those who can’t get enough of the feast of love: Exclusive bonus material

The ORION Advent Calendar 2022 not only offers a lot of toys and gadgets – it is also meant to inspire. That’s why inside it hides an additional booklet with love positions, date night cards and an erotic card game.

Exciting as never before: ORION Advent Calendar 2022

But that’s not all: with the purchase of an Advent calendar, you receive an exclusive QR code with even more product details, tips and lots of sensual suggestions.

The perfect gift in mother-in-law suitable packaging

What the Forsa study
also revealed is that sex toys, and therefore Advent calendars, are popular gifts. ORION has therefore deliberately chosen a design in terms of packaging that is so neutral that it can be placed in the living room without hesitation.

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Christmas fans can expect this time 24 individual gift boxes to turn: On one side with a full “Ho-Ho-Ho” lettering and on the other side with sensual sayings and graphics.

ORION Advent calendar – Christmas anticipation for over 15 years

Did you know? The ORION Advent calendar has been ensuring a thoroughly (be)sensual Christmas season for more than 15 years – and with a customer satisfaction rate of 94%. Quality cannot be expressed more beautifully, can it?

The Advent calendar is now only available online at orion.de for 129 euros.

Forsa survey for the ORION Sexreport 2021/2022 | 1002 respondents | period September 2021

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