Brain damage! How ex-porn star Anike Ekina copes with her life

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Brain damage! How ex-porn star Anike Ekina copes with her life
Brain damage! How ex-porn star Anike Ekina copes with her life


Germany’s best-known firefighter tells how she still struggles with her early childhood brain injury today

A child born with severe oxygen deprivation may struggle with physical and mental developmental delays throughout his or her life. The medical diagnosis is a so-called asphyxia, which leads to early brain damage. Although the effects of this damage are noticeable, the child has made admirable progress and demonstrates extraordinary courage and strength on a daily basis. The name of this child today is probably Germany’s most famous firefighter and musician Anike Ekina. 1.7 million people follow her on Instagram and participate in her seemingly fantastic life. But now Anike gives a glimpse into her innermost.

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One of the DJane’s biggest challenges is her delayed speech development, which still continues. She finds it difficult to understand complex issues right away, and Anike still finds it difficult to express herself clearly in order to be understood by others. However, she has found a special way to help her brain function better: Music. Music plays an important role in Anike’s life and helps her to better manage her everyday life.

Anike: “Courage and strength do not depend on external circumstances”

All that glitters is not gold: Anike Ekina demonstrates courage“The most difficult thing about my situation is that I often don’t even realize that I’m different. For me, that’s normal, and if someone points it out or even calls me stupid, I often keep quiet to avoid confrontation,” explains the 36-year-old from near Hamburg. Despite these daily challenges, Anike has found another source of self-confidence besides music: eroticism. At trade shows and events, people showed her that she was special. Autographs, fan mail and kind words strengthened her and made her feel valuable.

The fire department has offered Anike Ekina a community where she is accepted for who she is. Here it can help others in need and make an important contribution. Although she does not have a driver’s license, she is a good driver. The fear of the exam due to her learning disability keeps her from taking this step. Nevertheless, it has made tremendous progress in recent years, and each day brings new improvements, although complete normalcy may never be achieved.

“I am incredibly lucky to have the most amazing family in the world, who always stand behind me and support me even in my emotional crises. They give me support and grounding,” says Anike Ekina.

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Despite all the challenges, she has proven that courage and strength do not depend on external circumstances. She is an inspiring example of determination and the will to overcome obstacles. Anike Ekina deserves recognition for her amazing progress and impressive stamina.

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Anike Ekina is probably the most famous firefighter in Germany. She lives near Hamburg, is a passionate musician, D-Jane and successful Influencer at the same time. More than 1.7 million people follow Anike, who shares topics like lifestyle, food and sports with her followers in addition to music.

She has already been in front of the camera for various film projects, is working on her own first album and is playing alongside a world star in the Guru Josh Project “Infinity 2008”.

Along the way, she completes a correspondence course to become a personal trainer and nutritionist, designs her own fashion line, and is involved in anti-bullying and firefighting. In addition to her social media activities, sports and music are among her great passions. Most recently, she won the VENUS Award 2022: The Oscar of the erotic industry went to the 36-year-old in the category “Best Erotic Live Saxophone Performance”.

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