An intense experience: blowjob with tongue piercing

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Blowjob with tongue piercing
An intense experience: blowjob with tongue piercing

Horny, horny, horniest

Getting a blowjob is one of every man’s favorite things to do. But a blowjob with tongue piercing is even more an experience in a class of its own. This is virtually the supreme discipline of oral sex. Because not everyone gets to enjoy oral sex with tongue piercing during their lifetime.

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How a blowjob becomes even hornier thanks to tongue piercing

Every woman with sexual experience knows how to bring a man to ecstasy with her mouth. The skillful interplay of tongue, lips, palate and teeth brings men to the very highest feelings of happiness. A blowjob with tongue piercing adds a very important nuance to this repertoire. The little ball that pokes out of the woman’s tongue can become an absolute orgasm guarantor.

Blowjob with tongue piercing

If this foreign body is used correctly during fellatio with tongue piercing, this has an incredibly stimulating effect on the man. The small piece of jewelry can additionally irritate the glans of the man during the procedure. Or the small frenulum that connects the glans to the foreskin. Women are inventive by nature and will quickly find more ways to use their jewelry when blowing with tongue piercing. A playful learning process of the extraordinary kind, so to speak.

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What applies to oral sex, of course, also applies to kissing. Here, too, the additional ball on the tongue can be very attractive. Properly applied, it offers every man from the woman’s tongue skills. French kissing with piercing is the ultimate foreplay for appropriate oral sex.

A touch of crude wickedness

Blowjob with tongue piercingTattoos are now part of everyday life. If you used to be considered bold with a tattooed forearm, this is now normal. What used to be reserved for rockers and sailors has now arrived in the mainstream. Now, if you want to stand out from the crowd, you should look for other methods. Not too far from tattoos is the idea of piercings. Finally, both fall under the category of body jewelry or body cult.

However, piercings, especially those that are openly visible, are nowhere near as common as tattoos. Thus, pierced women stand out more than others. Moreover, these external conspicuities function like a filter. The ladies are only approached by men who are into tattoos and piercings themselves.

However, whether the man immediately has thoughts of a blowjob with tongue piercing when addressing the woman remains unknown. In any case, these filters work very well and are more than useful in everyday life of women. This simplifies the search for a partner. In this way, she can make a shortlist right away. The chosen one may then one day enjoy oral sex with tongue piercing.

How does a blowjob with piercing feel for the woman?

That oral sex with tongue piercing is a fine thing for a man is obvious. But how does the woman feel about it? Well, most ladies give blowjobs not because they are into it themselves, but to please their partner. Therefore, the girls will be happy if their partner gets extremely horny during oral sex with tongue piercing. When he enjoys her caresses to the fullest, that is confirmation enough for her. The piercing was worth it and will find an erotic use more often in the future.

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Besides, girls who get small pieces of metal pierced into their skin usually don’t have just a single piercing. Popular places for further skin decoration would be the belly button, eyebrows and nipples. This is where the man comes in, because now he can return the favor. Such a pierced nipple namely also offers the man an expanded repertoire of play possibilities. Since a woman who gets pierced can obviously handle pain, SM games are quite conceivable here.

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Or the man takes the breast in his mouth and spoils the piercing of the woman in turn with his tongue. Of course, there are also women who have their own private parts pierced. Here, too, the man can let off steam. Fellatio with tongue piercing, only this time the other way around.

Thanks to the brave women

Some ladies get their tongues pierced without thinking primarily about oral sex with tongue piercing. Here, aesthetic reasons were in the foreground. The clear plus point of blowing with tongue piercing is rather an additional benefit. Anyway, getting your tongue pierced means getting a hole pierced through your tongue.

There are certainly more pleasant things. From there, hats off to every woman who takes this sacrifice upon herself. We men have only advantages from it. We can show off how fearless, cool, different, rebellious and dirty our partner is and then enjoy the blowjob with tongue piercing.

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