The new calendar by Gianina-TS and Micaela Schäfer

By Faizel Ahman
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Der neue Kalender von Gianina-TS und Micaela Schäfer


This cooperation makes men’s hearts beat faster

Experience Micaela Schäfer and trans-lady Gianina-TS as a couple – in the red-hot calendar from Gianina-TS! A man’s dream comes true. The meeting of the two beautiful erotic stars in Berlin for the calendar shoot has borne fruit!

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In 2025, interested fans will finally have the opportunity to enjoy the tempting calendar. Is there anything more exciting than admiring two adorable specimens day after day? Hardly…

In the starting blocks: the calendar by Gianina-TS and Micaela Schäfer

The new calendar by Gianina-TS and Micaela Schäfer
The new calendar by Gianina-TS and Micaela Schäfer

Since the beautiful Micaela Schäfer became famous on Germany’s Next Top Model in 2006, the erotic world has changed forever. To this day, the delightful minx melts the hearts of adventurous gentlemen. The transsexual Gianina, who has been the talk of the town recently, is just as popular. She is pretty, extremely adventurous and loves to bask in the flashlight.

She has that and much more in common with Micaela Schäfer. In view of these and many other points of contact between the two “sweet sins”, what could be more obvious than to launch a hot and sensual project – and create a calendar by Gianina-TS and Micaela Schäfer?

The result is impressive

In the world of photography and creative expression with a view to eroticism and seduction, there are moments that not only captivate the eye, but also transcend the boundaries of the familiar. One such moment occurred when TS fashion icon Gianina and the famous erotic lady Micaela Schäfer got together for a photo shoot not so long ago. This event was a collaboration that was not only quite daring and unique to date, but was also intended to convey a powerful message of creativity and sensuality to the world.

➤ Directly to TS Gianina

The meeting of these two remarkable personalities was indeed more than just a meeting of models in front of the camera. It was a heartfelt sign of friendship, appreciation and mutual recognition. Gianina, with her elegant charisma and sense of self-expression, met Micaela Schäfer, who is known for her bold and unconventional approach to eroticism and self-presentation, after a long wait. The fusion of these two racy creatures promised, from an expert’s point of view, that the calendar of Gianina-TS and the sex model would result in something really great.

A sight worth seeing: the calendar by Gianina-TS

The new calendar by Gianina-TS and Micaela Schäfer
The new calendar by Gianina-TS and Micaela Schäfer

The photo shoot itself was a melting pot of innovation, desire and self-confidence. Under the direction of a renowned photographer, who was able to capture the essence of both models again and again with skill and bravura, images were created that are not only extremely appealing in aesthetic terms, but also present a deeper level of humanity and individual, erotic beauty. The camera captured moments filled with tenderness, self-love and pride, but also with the desire for pure eroticism. The true connoisseur should not miss out on any of this.

Fortunately for all discerning men in the country, this remarkable photo shoot gave rise to the idea of creating an erotic calendar for the year 2025. This calendar is de facto much more than a collection of sensual or seductive images. Rather, it is a feast for the senses, a celebration of erotic freedom, self-acceptance and diversity. Each month presents a unique set of images that capture the essence of Gianina and Micaela Schäfer in all their splendor.

➤ Directly to TS Gianina

The publication of this calendar is sure to trigger a wave of enthusiasm. Gianina-TS and Micaela Schäfer’s calendar is indeed a true innovation in the world of erotic photography that is not only visually appealing, but also embodies an important message of inclusion and respect.

Ultimately, the joint photo shoot of trans woman Gianina and Micaela Schäfer and the creation of their erotic calendar for the year 2025 is a groundbreaking event in the world of fashion and photography. It is fair to say that it is an act of empowerment that helps to break down the boundaries of convention and usher in a new era of diversity and sensual seduction.

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