Sex after giving birth: what you should bear in mind

By Dr. Dorothea Flogger
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

The time without sex after giving birth is not easy for men

How long should you wait before having sex for the first time after giving birth? Do women even feel like having sex after giving birth, what are the signs of this and how should men proceed? Even though women are of course very different, we still try to approach the topic from a fundamental point of view. This article should therefore be regarded as a guide rather than an individual guide.

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Most men immediately realize that women don’t necessarily feel like having sex after giving birth. After all, the woman had to push out a baby with a head circumference of approx. 30 cm not so long ago. In addition, the breasts are now regularly used for breastfeeding. Babies are anything but squeamish and will bite at times. At the latest, this kind of pain makes women forget any thought of sex. The men are aware of all this. Not least because his partner never tires of reminding him of this.

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This situation is anything but easy for men. Every woman’s breasts swell after giving birth. Women have to breastfeed all the time and find the constant undressing and re-dressing annoying. As a result, the clothes on top are usually very skimpy. In other words, the man has his bulging, swollen breasts in front of him the entire time, but is not allowed to touch them. It’s no wonder that every man is eager to have sex for the first time after giving birth. Anyone who gets through this time really loves their wife.

Family planning topic

An important point when it comes to sex after the birth is further family planning. Siblings can do more together the smaller the age difference. What initially means additional stress for the parents pays off later. If you want more children, you should start having sex as early as possible after the birth.

Sex after giving birth: what you should bear in mind
Sex after giving birth: what you should bear in mind

Children of a similar age usually find the same toy interesting, which is a not insignificant argument from a purely financial point of view. When the children spend hours playing peacefully together in their room, parents have time for other things. Everyday problems, housework and, of course, more sex.

Is there an ideal time for sex after giving birth?

How could it be otherwise, it varies from woman to woman. Another decisive factor is how the new addition to the family is feeling. If the child sleeps through the night, the ideal time for sex after the birth is virtually predetermined. How does the baby handle the woman’s nipples when breastfeeding?

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Accordingly, the man should leave his partner’s breasts alone during sex after the birth. Quite a few couples discover their preference for spanking or anal play during this period of their lives. The main thing is that the maltreated breasts are spared.

The dear relatives

Even if the relationship between mother and child is something very special. Grandparents are also totally into the new addition to the family. That’s why you are welcome to borrow the children from time to time, even overnight if possible. Some women get a guilty conscience here, as they would “give up” the children and the associated stress. There simply has to be an open discussion here.

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Grandparents, aunts and uncles certainly don’t want the little ones permanently, but every now and then they do. You can also openly admit to them that you would like to have undisturbed sex again. Your own parents have already been in the same situation and will agree with a wink.

A little tip on the side: If you have baby oil in the house because of your offspring, you will find other ways to use it. It’s worth it.

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