How do I tell my girlfriend that I like feet?

By Carlos Galvez Otoño
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Foot fetish: how to tell my girlfriend?

A foot fetish is not that rare. Standing on feet is not a bad thing at all, we basically all know that. Nevertheless, foot fetishists are often eyed with suspicion. That is why many conceal their preference. In a relationship, however, silence is not an option. If you want to be open with your girlfriend and have a fulfilling sex life, you should talk to her about it. But what’s the best way to do that?

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Stand on feet? Communication is crucial!

How do I tell my girlfriend that I like feet?
How do I tell my girlfriend that I like feet?

Not all foot fetishists want to come out right in the getting-to-know-you phase. After all, there are so many other things to talk about and explore in the beginning. Standing on feet is not necessarily the first issue addressed there. Many are even ashamed of it and prefer to keep it quiet for now. That’s fine as long as you’re not in a committed relationship yet.

However, if you have a steady girlfriend with whom you want to be open and honest, the topic should be brought up. Women also know that some men like feet. Nevertheless, they often do not expect that their own boyfriend is one of the foot fetishists. So communication is crucial here.

At the beginning, gentle hints are enough. Compliments on her sexy feet can be a good start. A little restraint is still called for here. First we have to find out how she reacts to this. Standing on feet can be shocking for some women, but it doesn’t have to be. If the topic is approached gently, it can also become exciting and erotically appealing for them.

To foot fetish dating

Every woman is happy about serious compliments. And what could be more serious than complimenting her incredibly erotic feet? If she is happy about it, that is already half the battle!

Approach gently and carefully

How do I tell my girlfriend that I like feet?
How do I tell my girlfriend that I like feet?

Perhaps you shouldn’t be too direct when coming out as a foot fetishist for the first time. That some men are into feet she has certainly already heard, but to hear it from her boyfriend could be shocking at first. So why not take a gentle approach? What could be better than watching a movie together? Maybe even a film by the well-known foot fetishist Quentin Tarantino, who loves to stage feet in his films? This is how you quickly break the ice and approach the topic naturally.

Another option is to give her a small gift. A sexy pair of stockings, suspenders or similar will please any woman and in combination with compliments will definitely give her the right impression. This is the perfect way to open the theme. Foot fetishists no longer seem so strange. Or how about a hot pair of shoes for her?

How do I tell my girlfriend that I like feet?
How do I tell my girlfriend that I like feet?

Men who are into feet usually have very specific preferences, also regarding shoes. The perfect pair of shoes as a gift would be ideal to gently introduce her to the subject of foot fetishists and give her a great pleasure at the same time. Maybe she has long wanted exactly this pair of shoes anyway? Also a particularly high-quality nail polish or a sexy ring for the toes makes women’s hearts beat faster. What man is interested in such things?

Actions speak louder than words

Standing on feet can also be easily made a theme if you offer your girlfriend a foot massage. What woman is not happy when her boyfriend gives her so much attention? A massage is a great way to introduce her to the subject in a positive way and ease any fears she may have about it. Thus, she can experience the benefits of this sexual preference in a very relaxed way.

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Many women want men who are into feet for this very reason. After all, foot fetishists have much more to offer in this regard than other men. So standing on feet pays off if you are skillful with the subject. If the woman can also benefit from this fetish, nothing stands in the way of a happy and sexually fulfilling relationship.

Foot fetish? No problem at all!

Once all ambiguity and every bit of uncertainty is removed, the issue of foot fetish should no longer be a problem. On the contrary, foot fetishists are even really in demand among many women. So standing on heels is really not a bad thing!

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