New feature: Remove own images from Google

By Jens Haberlein
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Why this new feature is important

Digitization and the Internet have many benefits, but they have also meant that information and images can be shared faster than ever before. For individuals who post images of themselves on the Internet, this can lead to unintended distribution and associated consequences. Therefore, the ability to remove your own images from Google is particularly important. It gives people back control over their online identity.

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How does it work to delete your own images from Google?

New feature: Remove own images from Google
Users can have such images deleted with immediate effect (symbol photo)

Individuals who wish to delete their own images from Google must first fill out the forms specifically designed for this purpose. The process aims to ensure that only those images that are truly personal and explicit are removed from the search. The forms ask for specific URLs where the images or content will be displayed and provide space for additional information to justify the request.

It is important to note that while Google prevents the content from appearing in search results, it does not delete the content itself from the original website. Therefore, it is crucial for people who want to remove their content from the Internet completely to contact the website in question directly.

Potential challenges and limitations: Although Google’s initiative is a step in the right direction, there are some challenges and limitations associated with it. The new directive may be particularly problematic for those actors who have formal agreements or contracts with third parties. For example, individuals who previously worked in the adult industry and licensed or sold related content may have difficulty removing such images because they may no longer have sole rights to those images.

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In addition, legal challenges could arise if a third party claims to have the right to publish certain content and the original creator attempts to remove it from Google Search. In such cases, it may be necessary to seek legal advice or engage in a legal dispute.

Closing Thoughts

The ability to remove your own images from Google is a significant feature that helps people better protect and control their online identity. However, it represents only one aspect in the larger picture of digital data protection. It is important to be aware of your digital footprints and always be aware of what measures can be taken to maintain control over your online content.

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