Zero hour: The history of the vibrator

By Mario Meyer
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
Zero hour: The history of the vibrator
Zero hour: The history of the vibrator


The history of the vibrator from the beginning until today

Now the massager has been around for 150 years. The history of the vibrator is long. Under what circumstances was it developed and how was it received by the people of the time? We clarify this and much more on the occasion of the special anniversary of a pleasure donor. In addition, there are many other exciting information and anecdotes regarding the history of the vibrator.

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How it all began

If you want to look at old models, you should make a trip to Hamburg’s Reeperbahn. There is an opportunity there in a side street. The masturbators are displayed in an old pharmacy. The owner has chosen this place because she wants to express how important hygiene is in matters of sexuality. Of course, this also applies to the use of vibrators, which must necessarily be cleaned after use. But back to the invention of the vibrator.

Zero hour: The history of the vibrator

So sexual hygiene is important, everyone knows that. But what hardly anyone might know is that the vibrating rod used to be used for therapeutic purposes. Against hysteria! Yes, read correctly. This is also part of the history of the vibrator. At the beginning of the 20th century, hysteria was among the most common female diseases. This alleged disease existed long before, but around 1900 hysteria was particularly widespread. It could show itself through various symptoms. The women were irritable, anxious, nervous and could not sleep.

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In addition, the abdomen felt heavy and they had erotic fantasies. The disease was relieved by orgasms at that time. The ladies went to the doctor, who then himself ensured that orgasms occurred. For this they used their hands. In addition, the physicians used vibrators when they had worked too much and their arms were worn out. The history of the vibrator is also amusing.

The history of the vibrator – what happened in the course?

The first patent applications for these joy dispensers were filed around 1900. But there were different vibrators even before that. The U.S. American George Henry Taylor, a physician, invented a vibratory machine in 1869 that was operated by steam. He called them manipulators. A few years later, in 1883, the British Joseph Mortimer Granvill developed another vibrator, which he called knocker. But s another machine was used. It was called Radfahr-Trabreit-Apparat Hellas. This was a very eye-catching device. The use was for a long period of time to treat the hysteria of women. The medical experts were convinced by this device.

Zero hour: The history of the vibrator

Then, after electricity was increasingly used, there were new possibilities for medical massage, as the history of the vibrator says. Sexuality and technology entered into a symbiosis. The rods used to be fitted with an extension cord to be used for lamp sockets. But this was rather problematic, because over time the rods became too hot. In addition, the ball bearings were not optimal, so they ran unsteadily.

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This could only lead to mishaps over and over again. Nevertheless, people did not desist. But there should be more bizarre things in the history of the vibrator. Thus, our ancestors were much more open about the sexuality of the time.

In the past, people dealt with sexuality differently than today

Today we believe that we live our sexuality more openly than ever before. But this is not quite right. There was a time when people were much more open about it. This was especially the case in the 20s and 30s of the last century. For example, there is a porn movie from the 30s, which has the simple title Massage. This is about two nuns who are intensely involved with each other. Of course, there are many more porn movies that come from this period. They clearly show how free people used to be in their sexuality. At least that’s what the history of the vibrator tells us.

Zero hour: The development of the vibrating rods

However, this was to change abruptly after the Second World War. A new era began in sexuality and the history of the vibrator changed. After the war was over the men came back home. They had not suffered any injuries, but sex was out of the question. The reason for this was the traumatic experiences during the war. However, there were also physically disabled men who were unable to have sex. The topic was consistently hushed up. Moreover, after the war, no one wanted to have children.

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On the other hand, people have a desire to get close to others and have sex with them. Here Beate Uhse appears for the first time in the history of the vibrator. It provided a revolution in sexuality. She wrote paper X, in which she reported on the Knaus-Ogino contraceptive method. In 1947, it sold 30,000 copies of it. Thus, the lady was responsible for the couples to find each other again after the Second World War. This is also evidenced by letters deposited in Beate Uhse’s archives. There grateful couples write how happy they were. The advice of Beate Uhse had saved their marriage.

Zero hour: The development of the vibrating rods

The other side of the coin, however, was that Beate Uhse was regularly cited in court. The accusation was that she had violated Section 184. The issue here was incitement to fornication.

History of the vibrator in relation to the GDR

The history of the vibrator also involves the citizens of the GDR at the time. They participated in a survey and gave interesting insights into the past time. In the GDR, there were no double standards imposed by the church in the FRG. The citizens of the GDR were much freer with their sexuality than the citizens of the FRG. However, sex toys were still not allowed. Nevertheless, the GDR citizens managed to get some. They were simply smuggled across the border, as the story of the pleasure stick says.

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More often, however, simply converted objects from the household. These included electric coffee makers or the spin dryer. Out of necessity, people got creative and made penises out of wood or wax, which were then put to use, according to the story of the massage stick. Available in the GDR, however, were massage devices. These were called Vibrella, Dixette or Komet MA1. However, these were not intended for neck massage, as many people still mistakenly believe.

Vibrator Komet MA1 is still used today

The history of the stimulator also says that the old massagers are still used. This is not only due to nostalgic feelings. Rather, these devices are absolutely high-quality and durable. They work reliably. That is why many couples simply do not want to miss them and give. They are even sold at flea markets.

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The history of the vibrator also describes that the Stasi used the ban on the use of sex toys for their own purposes. She cheated the vibrators to respectable women to have a reason for blackmail. The Stasi itself could easily obtain sex toys. After all, they were the measure of all things. In the course of the fairs in Leipzig, vibrators were also given away to prostitutes from the GDR, who could then use them in the East.

Today we have the Womanizer

According to the history of the vibrator, between the 60s and 80s they were called Strammer Max, Muschikater or even Doppelbock. They were made of hard plastic and burned through from time to time. That is no longer the case today. The modern vibrators like Womanizer are easy to charge and offer a lot of comfort in other respects as well. Overall, it is clear that the vibrator is one of the best inventions in the field of sexuality, because it helps to discover oneself and has ensured that people today are more free with themselves and their bodies after all.

We can be curious how the history of the vibrator will develop in the future.

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